+CC mempool maintainers

> From: Gaoxiang Liu [mailto:gaoxiangl...@163.com]
> Sent: Friday, 25 March 2022 14.02
> The following log message may appear after a slave is idle(or nearly
> idle)
> for a few minutes:"PMD: Failed to allocate LACP packet from pool".
> And bond mode 4 negotiation may fail.
> Problem:When bond mode 4 has been chosed and delicated queue has
> not been enable, all mbufs from a slave' private pool(used
> exclusively for transmitting LACPDUs) have been allocated in
> interrupt thread, and are still sitting in the device's tx
> descriptor ring and other cores' mempool caches in fwd thread.
> Thus the interrupt thread can not alloc LACP packet from pool.
> Solution: Ensure that each slave'tx (LACPDU) mempool owns more than
> n-tx-queues * n-tx-descriptor + fwd_core_num *
> per-core-mmempool-flush-threshold mbufs.
> Note that the LACP tx machine fuction is the only code that allocates
> from a slave's private pool. It runs in the context of the interrupt
> thread, and thus it has no mempool cache of its own.
> Signed-off-by: Gaoxiang Liu <liugaoxi...@huawei.com>
> ---
> v2:
> * Fixed compile issues.
> v3:
> * delete duplicate code.
> v4;
> * Fixed some issues.
> 1. total_tx_desc should use +=
> 2. add detailed logs
> v5:
> * Fixed some issues.
> 1. move CACHE_FLUSHTHRESH_MULTIPLIER to rte_eth_bond-8023ad.c
> 2. use RTE_MIN
> ---
>  drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c | 11 ++++++++---
>  1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c
> b/drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c
> index ca50583d62..2c39b0d062 100644
> --- a/drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c
> +++ b/drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c
> @@ -1050,6 +1050,7 @@ bond_mode_8023ad_activate_slave(struct
> rte_eth_dev *bond_dev,
>       uint32_t total_tx_desc;
>       struct bond_tx_queue *bd_tx_q;
>       uint16_t q_id;
> +     uint32_t cache_size;
>       /* Given slave mus not be in active list */
>       RTE_ASSERT(find_slave_by_id(internals->active_slaves,
> @@ -1100,11 +1101,15 @@ bond_mode_8023ad_activate_slave(struct
> rte_eth_dev *bond_dev,
>               total_tx_desc += bd_tx_q->nb_tx_desc;
>       }
> + * CACHE_FLUSHTHRESH_MULTIPLIER already defined in rte_mempool.c */

Very important comment. Thank you!

May I suggest that a similar comment is added to the rte_mempool.c file, so if 
CACHE_FLUSHTHRESH_MULTIPLIER is changed there, we don't forget to change the 
copy-pasted code in the rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c file too. It has previously been 
discussed changing it from 1.5 to 2 for symmetry reasons.

> +
> +     cache_size = RTE_MIN(RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE, 32);
> +     total_tx_desc += rte_lcore_count() * cache_size *
>       snprintf(mem_name, RTE_DIM(mem_name), "slave_port%u_pool",
> slave_id);
>       port->mbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(mem_name,
> total_tx_desc,
> -             RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE >= 32 ?
> -                     32 : RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE,
> -             0, element_size, socket_id);
> +             cache_size, 0, element_size, socket_id);
>       /* Any memory allocation failure in initialization is critical
> because
>        * resources can't be free, so reinitialization is impossible. */
> --
> 2.32.0

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