
On 03/24/2015 11:48 AM, Jastrzebski, MichalX K wrote:
>>> On 02/20/2015 05:18 PM, Daniel Mrzyglod wrote:
>>>> Function match_inst is used to take buffor using sizeof() which is size_t
>> type.
>>>> This modification also involved changing '%u' to '%zu' in printf function.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Daniel Mrzyglod <danielx.t.mrzyglod at intel.com>
>>>> [...]
>>> Did you see a specific issue with the current code? (maybe a compilation
>>> issue or a klocwork issue?)
> Hi Olivier, Thomas
> Yes, this is an issue reported by the static analysis tool.
>>> I think this patch is ok, but there are many places where this kind
>>> of fixes should be applied in cmdline (cmdline_parse_*(),
>>> cmdline_get_help_*(), etc.). Is there a motivation for changing it
>>> only there?
> The tool we use didn't reported other places,
> that is why Daniel send only this one change.

I think it would be great to look at other places to check if the same
change is required.


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