Hi, > -----Original Message----- > From: Michael Baum <michae...@nvidia.com> > Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 9:15 PM > To: dev@dpdk.org > Cc: Matan Azrad <ma...@nvidia.com>; Raslan Darawsheh > <rasl...@nvidia.com>; Slava Ovsiienko <viachesl...@nvidia.com> > Subject: [PATCH] net/mlx5: fix E-Switch disabling when DV flow disable > > E-Switch DV flow is supported only when DV flow is supported and enabled. > > The mlx5_shared_dev_ctx_args_config() function ensures that when the > environment does not support DV, the "dv_esw_en" flag is turned off. > However, when the environment is supportive but the user has requested > to disable it, the "dv_esw_en" flag remains on and causes the PMD to try to > create an E-Switch through the Verbs engine. > > This patch adds check to ensure that "dv_esw_en" flag will be turned off > when DV flow is disabled. > > Fixes: a13ec19c1993 ("net/mlx5: add shared device context config structure") > > Signed-off-by: Michael Baum <michae...@nvidia.com> > Acked-by: Matan Azrad <ma...@nvidia.com>
Patch applied to next-net-mlx, Kindest regards, Raslan Darawsheh