> > +
> > +/**
> > + * Thread mutex representation.
> > + */
> > +typedef struct rte_thread_mutex_tag {
> > +   void *mutex_id;  /**< mutex identifier */
> > +} rte_thread_mutex;
> I wonder can't we have something like that instead:
> for posix:
> typedef pthread_mutex_t rte_thread_mutex_t;
> for windows:
> typedef struct rte_thread_mutex {
>       int initialized;
> }  rte_thread_mutex_t;
> Then for posix:
> #define RTE_INIT_MUTEX(mx) do {\
> } while(0)
> #define RTE_DESTROY_MUTEX(mx) do {} while (0); /*empty */
> For windows:
> #define RTE_INIT_MUTEX(mx) do {\
>       If ((mx)->initialized == 0) {
>               InitializeCriticalSection((mx)->cs);
>               (mx)->initialized = 1;
>       }
> } while (0)
> #define RTE_DESTROY_MUTEX(mx) do {
>       if ((mx)->initialized != 0) { \
>               DeleteCriticalSection((mx)->cs);
>       }
> } while (0)

Actually, please scrap that comment.
Obviously it wouldn't work for static variables, 
and doesn't make much sense.
Though few thoughts remain:
for posix we probably don't need an indirection and
rte_thread_mutex can be just typedef of pthread_mutex_t.
also for posix we don't need RTE_INIT constructor for each
static mutex initialization.
Something like:
        rte_thread_mutex_t mx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
should work, I think.

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