On 03/18/15 02:31, Ananyev, Konstantin wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Vlad Zolotarov
>> Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 6:27 PM
>> To: dev at dpdk.org
>> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v6 3/3] ixgbe: Add LRO support
>> On 03/09/15 21:07, Vlad Zolotarov wrote:
>>>       - Only x540 and 82599 devices support LRO.
>>>       - Add the appropriate HW configuration.
>>>       - Add RSC aware rx_pkt_burst() handlers:
>>>          - Implemented bulk allocation and non-bulk allocation versions.
>>>          - Add LRO-specific fields to rte_eth_rxmode, to rte_eth_dev_data
>>>            and to igb_rx_queue.
>>>          - Use the appropriate handler when LRO is requested.
>>> Signed-off-by: Vlad Zolotarov <vladz at cloudius-systems.com>
>>> ---
>>> New in v5:
>>>      - Put the RTE_ETHDEV_HAS_LRO_SUPPORT definition at the beginning of 
>>> rte_ethdev.h.
>>>      - Removed the "TODO: Remove me" comment near 
>>> New in v4:
>>>      - Define RTE_ETHDEV_HAS_LRO_SUPPORT in rte_ethdev.h instead of
>>>        RTE_ETHDEV_LRO_SUPPORT defined in config/common_linuxapp.
>>> New in v2:
>>>      - Removed rte_eth_dev_data.lro_bulk_alloc.
>>>      - Fixed a few styling and spelling issues.
>>> ---
>>>    lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h       |   9 +-
>>>    lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c |   6 +
>>>    lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.h |   5 +
>>>    lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c   | 562 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>    lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.h   |   6 +
>>>    5 files changed, 581 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h b/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h
>>> index 8db3127..44f081f 100644
>>> --- a/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h
>>> +++ b/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h
>>> @@ -172,6 +172,9 @@ extern "C" {
>>>    #include <stdint.h>
>>> +/* Use this macro to check if LRO API is supported */
>>> +
>>>    #include <rte_log.h>
>>>    #include <rte_interrupts.h>
>>>    #include <rte_pci.h>
>>> @@ -320,14 +323,15 @@ struct rte_eth_rxmode {
>>>     enum rte_eth_rx_mq_mode mq_mode;
>>>     uint32_t max_rx_pkt_len;  /**< Only used if jumbo_frame enabled. */
>>>     uint16_t split_hdr_size;  /**< hdr buf size (header_split enabled).*/
>>> -   uint8_t header_split : 1, /**< Header Split enable. */
>>> +   uint16_t header_split : 1, /**< Header Split enable. */
>>>             hw_ip_checksum   : 1, /**< IP/UDP/TCP checksum offload enable. 
>>> */
>>>             hw_vlan_filter   : 1, /**< VLAN filter enable. */
>>>             hw_vlan_strip    : 1, /**< VLAN strip enable. */
>>>             hw_vlan_extend   : 1, /**< Extended VLAN enable. */
>>>             jumbo_frame      : 1, /**< Jumbo Frame Receipt enable. */
>>>             hw_strip_crc     : 1, /**< Enable CRC stripping by hardware. */
>>> -           enable_scatter   : 1; /**< Enable scatter packets rx handler */
>>> +           enable_scatter   : 1, /**< Enable scatter packets rx handler */
>>> +           enable_lro       : 1; /**< Enable LRO */
>>>    };
>>>    /**
>>> @@ -1515,6 +1519,7 @@ struct rte_eth_dev_data {
>>>     uint8_t port_id;           /**< Device [external] port identifier. */
>>>     uint8_t promiscuous   : 1, /**< RX promiscuous mode ON(1) / OFF(0). */
>>>             scattered_rx : 1,  /**< RX of scattered packets is ON(1) / 
>>> OFF(0) */
>>> +           lro          : 1,  /**< RX LRO is ON(1) / OFF(0) */
>>>             all_multicast : 1, /**< RX all multicast mode ON(1) / OFF(0). */
>>>             dev_started : 1;   /**< Device state: STARTED(1) / STOPPED(0). 
>>> */
>>>    };
>>> diff --git a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c 
>>> b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
>>> index 9d3de1a..765174d 100644
>>> --- a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
>>> +++ b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
>>> @@ -1648,6 +1648,7 @@ ixgbe_dev_stop(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>     /* Clear stored conf */
>>>     dev->data->scattered_rx = 0;
>>> +   dev->data->lro = 0;
>>>     hw->rx_bulk_alloc_allowed = false;
>>>     hw->rx_vec_allowed = false;
>>> @@ -2018,6 +2019,11 @@ ixgbe_dev_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct 
>>> rte_eth_dev_info *dev_info)
>>>             DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM |
>>>             DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM  |
>>>             DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM;
>>> +
>>> +   if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB ||
>>> +       hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_X540)
>>> +           dev_info->rx_offload_capa |= DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_LRO;
>>> +
>>>     dev_info->tx_offload_capa =
>>>             DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_INSERT |
>>>             DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM  |
>>> diff --git a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.h 
>>> b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.h
>>> index a549f5c..e206584 100644
>>> --- a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.h
>>> +++ b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.h
>>> @@ -349,6 +349,11 @@ uint16_t ixgbe_recv_pkts_bulk_alloc(void *rx_queue, 
>>> struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
>>>    uint16_t ixgbe_recv_scattered_pkts(void *rx_queue,
>>>             struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts);
>>> +uint16_t ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro(void *rx_queue,
>>> +           struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts);
>>> +uint16_t ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro_bulk_alloc(void *rx_queue,
>>> +           struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts);
>>> +
>>>    uint16_t ixgbe_xmit_pkts(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
>>>             uint16_t nb_pkts);
>>> diff --git a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c 
>>> b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c
>>> index 58e619b..944c662 100644
>>> --- a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c
>>> +++ b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c
>>> @@ -1366,6 +1366,15 @@ ixgbe_recv_pkts(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf 
>>> **rx_pkts,
>>>    }
>>>    /**
>>> + * Detect an RSC descriptor.
>>> + */
>>> +static inline uint32_t ixgbe_rsc_count(union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx)
>>> +{
>>> +   return (rte_le_to_cpu_32(rx->wb.lower.lo_dword.data) &
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +/**
>>>     * Initialize the first mbuf of the returned packet:
>>>     *    - RX port identifier,
>>>     *    - hardware offload data, if any:
>>> @@ -1410,6 +1419,291 @@ static inline void ixgbe_fill_cluster_head_buf(
>>>     }
>>>    }
>>> +/**
>>> + * Bulk receive handler for and LRO case.
>>> + *
>>> + * @rx_queue Rx queue handle
>>> + * @rx_pkts table of received packets
>>> + * @nb_pkts size of rx_pkts table
>>> + * @bulk_alloc if TRUE bulk allocation is used for a HW ring refilling
>>> + *
>>> + * Handles the Rx HW ring completions when RSC feature is configured. Uses 
>>> an
>>> + * additional ring of igb_rsc_entry's that will hold the relevant RSC info.
>>> + *
>>> + * We use the same logic as in Lunux and in FreeBSD ixgbe drivers:
>>> + * 1) When non-EOP RSC completion arrives:
>>> + *    a) Update the HEAD of the current RSC aggregation cluster with the 
>>> new
>>> + *       segment's data length.
>>> + *    b) Set the "next" pointer of the current segment to point to the 
>>> segment
>>> + *       at the NEXTP index.
>>> + *    c) Pass the HEAD of RSC aggregation cluster on to the next NEXTP 
>>> entry
>>> + *       in the sw_rsc_ring.
>>> + * 2) When EOP arrives we just update the cluster's total length and 
>>> offload
>>> + *    flags and deliver the cluster up to the upper layers. In our case - 
>>> put it
>>> + *    in the rx_pkts table.
>>> + *
>>> + * Returns the number of received packets/clusters (according to the "bulk
>>> + * receive" interface).
>>> + */
>>> +static inline uint16_t
>>> +_recv_pkts_lro(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts,
>>> +          bool bulk_alloc)
>>> +{
>>> +   struct igb_rx_queue *rxq = rx_queue;
>>> +   volatile union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rx_ring = rxq->rx_ring;
>>> +   struct igb_rx_entry *sw_ring = rxq->sw_ring;
>>> +   struct igb_rsc_entry *sw_rsc_ring = rxq->sw_rsc_ring;
>>> +   uint16_t rx_id = rxq->rx_tail;
>>> +   uint16_t nb_rx = 0;
>>> +   uint16_t nb_hold = rxq->nb_rx_hold;
>>> +   uint16_t prev_id = rxq->rx_tail;
>>> +
>>> +   while (nb_rx < nb_pkts) {
>>> +           bool eop;
>>> +           struct igb_rx_entry *rxe;
>>> +           struct igb_rsc_entry *rsc_entry;
>>> +           struct igb_rsc_entry *next_rsc_entry;
>>> +           struct igb_rx_entry *next_rxe;
>>> +           struct rte_mbuf *first_seg;
>>> +           struct rte_mbuf *rxm;
>>> +           struct rte_mbuf *nmb;
>>> +           union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc rxd;
>>> +           uint16_t data_len;
>>> +           uint16_t next_id;
>>> +           volatile union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rxdp;
>>> +           uint32_t staterr;
>>> +
>>> +next_desc:
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * The code in this whole file uses the volatile pointer to
>>> +            * ensure the read ordering of the status and the rest of the
>>> +            * descriptor fields (on the compiler level only!!!). This is so
>>> +            * UGLY - why not to just use the compiler barrier instead? DPDK
>>> +            * even has the rte_compiler_barrier() for that.
>>> +            *
>>> +            * But most importantly this is just wrong because this doesn't
>>> +            * ensure memory ordering in a general case at all. For
>>> +            * instance, DPDK is supposed to work on Power CPUs where
>>> +            * compiler barrier may just not be enough!
>>> +            *
>>> +            * I tried to write only this function properly to have a
>>> +            * starting point (as a part of an LRO/RSC series) but the
>>> +            * compiler cursed at me when I tried to cast away the
>>> +            * "volatile" from rx_ring (yes, it's volatile too!!!). So, I'm
>>> +            * keeping it the way it is for now.
>>> +            *
>>> +            * The code in this file is broken in so many other places and
>>> +            * will just not work on a big endian CPU anyway therefore the
>>> +            * lines below will have to be revisited together with the rest
>>> +            * of the ixgbe PMD.
>>> +            *
>>> +            * TODO:
>>> +            *    - Get rid of "volatile" crap and let the compiler do its
>>> +            *      job.
>>> +            *    - Use the proper memory barrier (rte_rmb()) to ensure the
>>> +            *      memory ordering below.
>>> +            */
>>> +           rxdp = &rx_ring[rx_id];
>>> +           staterr = rte_le_to_cpu_32(rxdp->wb.upper.status_error);
>>> +
>>> +           if (!(staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_DD))
>>> +                   break;
>>> +
>>> +           rxd = *rxdp;
>>> +
>>> +           PMD_RX_LOG(DEBUG, "port_id=%u queue_id=%u rx_id=%u "
>>> +                             "staterr=0x%x data_len=%u",
>>> +                      rxq->port_id, rxq->queue_id, rx_id, staterr,
>>> +                      rte_le_to_cpu_16(rxd.wb.upper.length));
>>> +
>>> +           if (!bulk_alloc) {
>>> +                   nmb = rte_rxmbuf_alloc(rxq->mb_pool);
>>> +                   if (nmb == NULL) {
>>> +                           PMD_RX_LOG(DEBUG, "RX mbuf alloc failed "
>>> +                                             "port_id=%u queue_id=%u",
>>> +                                      rxq->port_id, rxq->queue_id);
>>> +
>>> +                           rte_eth_devices[rxq->port_id].data->
>>> +                                                   rx_mbuf_alloc_failed++;
>>> +                           break;
>>> +                   }
>>> +           } else if (nb_hold > rxq->rx_free_thresh) {
>>> +                   uint16_t next_rdt = rxq->rx_free_trigger;
>>> +
>>> +                   if (!ixgbe_rx_alloc_bufs(rxq, false)) {
>>> +                           rte_wmb();
>>> +                           IXGBE_PCI_REG_WRITE(rxq->rdt_reg_addr,
>>> +                                               next_rdt);
>>> +                           nb_hold -= rxq->rx_free_thresh;
>>> +                   } else {
>>> +                           PMD_RX_LOG(DEBUG, "RX bulk alloc failed "
>>> +                                             "port_id=%u queue_id=%u",
>>> +                                      rxq->port_id, rxq->queue_id);
>>> +
>>> +                           rte_eth_devices[rxq->port_id].data->
>>> +                                                   rx_mbuf_alloc_failed++;
>>> +                           break;
>>> +                   }
>>> +           }
>>> +
>>> +           nb_hold++;
>>> +           rxe = &sw_ring[rx_id];
>>> +           eop = staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_STAT_EOP;
>>> +
>>> +           next_id = rx_id + 1;
>>> +           if (next_id == rxq->nb_rx_desc)
>>> +                   next_id = 0;
>>> +
>>> +           /* Prefetch next mbuf while processing current one. */
>>> +           rte_ixgbe_prefetch(sw_ring[next_id].mbuf);
>>> +
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * When next RX descriptor is on a cache-line boundary,
>>> +            * prefetch the next 4 RX descriptors and the next 4 pointers
>>> +            * to mbufs.
>>> +            */
>>> +           if ((next_id & 0x3) == 0) {
>>> +                   rte_ixgbe_prefetch(&rx_ring[next_id]);
>>> +                   rte_ixgbe_prefetch(&sw_ring[next_id]);
>>> +           }
>>> +
>>> +           rxm = rxe->mbuf;
>>> +
>>> +           if (!bulk_alloc) {
>>> +                   __le64 dma =
>>> +                     rte_cpu_to_le_64(RTE_MBUF_DATA_DMA_ADDR_DEFAULT(nmb));
>>> +                   /*
>>> +                    * Update RX descriptor with the physical address of the
>>> +                    * new data buffer of the new allocated mbuf.
>>> +                    */
>>> +                   rxe->mbuf = nmb;
>>> +
>>> +                   rxm->data_off = RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;
>>> +                   rxdp->read.hdr_addr = dma;
>>> +                   rxdp->read.pkt_addr = dma;
>>> +           }
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * Set data length & data buffer address of mbuf.
>>> +            */
>>> +           data_len = rte_le_to_cpu_16(rxd.wb.upper.length);
>>> +           rxm->data_len = data_len;
>>> +
>>> +           if (!eop) {
>>> +                   uint16_t nextp_id;
>>> +                   /*
>>> +                    * Get next descriptor index:
>>> +                    *  - For RSC it's in the NEXTP field.
>>> +                    *  - For a scattered packet - it's just a following
>>> +                    *    descriptor.
>>> +                    */
>>> +                   if (ixgbe_rsc_count(&rxd))
>>> +                           nextp_id =
>>> +                                   (staterr & IXGBE_RXDADV_NEXTP_MASK) >>
>>> +                                                  IXGBE_RXDADV_NEXTP_SHIFT;
>>> +                   else
>>> +                           nextp_id = next_id;
>>> +
>>> +                   next_rsc_entry = &sw_rsc_ring[nextp_id];
>>> +                   next_rxe = &sw_ring[nextp_id];
>>> +                   rte_ixgbe_prefetch(next_rxe);
>>> +           }
>>> +
>>> +           rsc_entry = &sw_rsc_ring[rx_id];
>>> +           first_seg = rsc_entry->fbuf;
>>> +           rsc_entry->fbuf = NULL;
>>> +
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * If this is the first buffer of the received packet,
>>> +            * set the pointer to the first mbuf of the packet and
>>> +            * initialize its context.
>>> +            * Otherwise, update the total length and the number of segments
>>> +            * of the current scattered packet, and update the pointer to
>>> +            * the last mbuf of the current packet.
>>> +            */
>>> +           if (first_seg == NULL) {
>>> +                   first_seg = rxm;
>>> +                   first_seg->pkt_len = data_len;
>>> +                   first_seg->nb_segs = 1;
>>> +           } else {
>>> +                   first_seg->pkt_len += data_len;
>>> +                   first_seg->nb_segs++;
>>> +           }
>>> +
>>> +           prev_id = rx_id;
>>> +           rx_id = next_id;
>>> +
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * If this is not the last buffer of the received packet, update
>>> +            * the pointer to the first mbuf at the NEXTP entry in the
>>> +            * sw_rsc_ring and continue to parse the RX ring.
>>> +            */
>>> +           if (!eop) {
>>> +                   rxm->next = next_rxe->mbuf;
>>> +                   next_rsc_entry->fbuf = first_seg;
>>> +                   goto next_desc;
>>> +           }
>>> +
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * This is the last buffer of the received packet - return
>>> +            * the current cluster to the user.
>>> +            */
>>> +           rxm->next = NULL;
>>> +
>>> +           /* Initialize the first mbuf of the returned packet */
>>> +           ixgbe_fill_cluster_head_buf(first_seg, &rxd, rxq->port_id,
>>> +                                       staterr);
>>> +
>>> +           /* Prefetch data of first segment, if configured to do so. */
>>> +           rte_packet_prefetch((char *)first_seg->buf_addr +
>>> +                   first_seg->data_off);
>>> +
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * Store the mbuf address into the next entry of the array
>>> +            * of returned packets.
>>> +            */
>>> +           rx_pkts[nb_rx++] = first_seg;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   /*
>>> +    * Record index of the next RX descriptor to probe.
>>> +    */
>>> +   rxq->rx_tail = rx_id;
>>> +
>>> +   /*
>>> +    * If the number of free RX descriptors is greater than the RX free
>>> +    * threshold of the queue, advance the Receive Descriptor Tail (RDT)
>>> +    * register.
>>> +    * Update the RDT with the value of the last processed RX descriptor
>>> +    * minus 1, to guarantee that the RDT register is never equal to the
>>> +    * RDH register, which creates a "full" ring situtation from the
>>> +    * hardware point of view...
>>> +    */
>>> +   if (!bulk_alloc && nb_hold > rxq->rx_free_thresh) {
>>> +           PMD_RX_LOG(DEBUG, "port_id=%u queue_id=%u rx_tail=%u "
>>> +                      "nb_hold=%u nb_rx=%u",
>>> +                      rxq->port_id, rxq->queue_id, rx_id, nb_hold, nb_rx);
>>> +
>>> +           IXGBE_PCI_REG_WRITE(rxq->rdt_reg_addr, prev_id);
>>> +           nb_hold = 0;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   rxq->nb_rx_hold = nb_hold;
>>> +   return nb_rx;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +uint16_t
>>> +ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t 
>>> nb_pkts)
>>> +{
>>> +   return _recv_pkts_lro(rx_queue, rx_pkts, nb_pkts, false);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +uint16_t
>>> +ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro_bulk_alloc(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
>>> +                          uint16_t nb_pkts)
>>> +{
>>> +   return _recv_pkts_lro(rx_queue, rx_pkts, nb_pkts, true);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>    uint16_t
>>>    ixgbe_recv_scattered_pkts(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
>>>                       uint16_t nb_pkts)
>>> @@ -2024,6 +2318,7 @@ ixgbe_rx_queue_release(struct igb_rx_queue *rxq)
>>>     if (rxq != NULL) {
>>>             ixgbe_rx_queue_release_mbufs(rxq);
>>>             rte_free(rxq->sw_ring);
>>> +           rte_free(rxq->sw_rsc_ring);
>>>             rte_free(rxq);
>>>     }
>>>    }
>>> @@ -2146,6 +2441,7 @@ ixgbe_reset_rx_queue(struct ixgbe_hw *hw, struct 
>>> igb_rx_queue *rxq)
>>>     rxq->nb_rx_hold = 0;
>>>     rxq->pkt_first_seg = NULL;
>>>     rxq->pkt_last_seg = NULL;
>>> +   rxq->rsc_en = 0;
>>>    }
>>>    int
>>> @@ -2160,6 +2456,14 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_queue_setup(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
>>>     struct igb_rx_queue *rxq;
>>>     struct ixgbe_hw     *hw;
>>>     uint16_t len;
>>> +   struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info = { 0 };
>>> +   struct rte_eth_rxmode *dev_rx_mode = &dev->data->dev_conf.rxmode;
>>> +   bool rsc_requested = false;
>>> +
>>> +   dev->dev_ops->dev_infos_get(dev, &dev_info);
>>> +   if ((dev_info.rx_offload_capa & DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_LRO) &&
>>> +       dev_rx_mode->enable_lro)
>>> +           rsc_requested = true;
>>>     hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
>>> @@ -2265,12 +2569,28 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_queue_setup(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
>>>     rxq->sw_ring = rte_zmalloc_socket("rxq->sw_ring",
>>>                                       sizeof(struct igb_rx_entry) * len,
>>>                                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, socket_id);
>>> -   if (rxq->sw_ring == NULL) {
>>> +   if (!rxq->sw_ring) {
>>>             ixgbe_rx_queue_release(rxq);
>>>             return (-ENOMEM);
>>>     }
>>> -   PMD_INIT_LOG(DEBUG, "sw_ring=%p hw_ring=%p dma_addr=0x%"PRIx64,
>>> -                rxq->sw_ring, rxq->rx_ring, rxq->rx_ring_phys_addr);
>>> +
>>> +   if (rsc_requested) {
>>> +           rxq->sw_rsc_ring =
>>> +                   rte_zmalloc_socket("rxq->sw_rsc_ring",
>>> +                                      sizeof(struct igb_rsc_entry) * len,
>>> +                                      RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, socket_id);
>>> +           if (!rxq->sw_rsc_ring) {
>>> +                   ixgbe_rx_queue_release(rxq);
>>> +                   return (-ENOMEM);
>>> +           }
>>> +   } else {
>>> +           rxq->sw_rsc_ring = NULL;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   PMD_INIT_LOG(DEBUG, "sw_ring=%p sw_rsc_ring=%p hw_ring=%p "
>>> +                       "dma_addr=0x%"PRIx64,
>>> +                rxq->sw_ring, rxq->sw_rsc_ring, rxq->rx_ring,
>>> +                rxq->rx_ring_phys_addr);
>>>     if (!rte_is_power_of_2(nb_desc)) {
>>>             PMD_INIT_LOG(DEBUG, "queue[%d] doesn't meet Vector Rx "
>>> @@ -3515,6 +3835,84 @@ ixgbe_dev_mq_tx_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>     return 0;
>>>    }
>>> +/**
>>> + * get_rscctl_maxdesc - Calculate the RSCCTL[n].MAXDESC for PF
>>> + *
>>> + * Return the RSCCTL[n].MAXDESC for 82599 and x540 PF devices according to 
>>> the
>>> + * spec rev. 3.0 chapter
>>> + *
>>> + * @pool Memory pool of the Rx queue
>>> + */
>>> +static inline uint32_t get_rscctl_maxdesc(struct rte_mempool *pool)
>>> +{
>>> +   struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private *mp_priv = rte_mempool_get_priv(pool);
>>> +
>>> +   /* MAXDESC * SRRCTL.BSIZEPKT must not exceed 64 KB minus one */
>>> +   uint16_t maxdesc =
>>> +           65535 / (mp_priv->mbuf_data_room_size - RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM);
>>> +
>>> +   if (maxdesc >= 16)
>>> +           return IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_16;
>>> +   else if (maxdesc >= 8)
>>> +           return IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_8;
>>> +   else if (maxdesc >= 4)
>>> +           return IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_4;
>>> +   else
>>> +           return IXGBE_RSCCTL_MAXDESC_1;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +/* (Taken from FreeBSD tree)
>>> +** Setup the correct IVAR register for a particular MSIX interrupt
>>> +**   (yes this is all very magic and confusing :)
>>> +**  - entry is the register array entry
>>> +**  - vector is the MSIX vector for this queue
>>> +**  - type is RX/TX/MISC
>>> +*/
>>> +static void
>>> +ixgbe_set_ivar(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, u8 entry, u8 vector, s8 type)
>>> +{
>>> +   struct ixgbe_hw *hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
>>> +   u32 ivar, index;
>>> +
>>> +   vector |= IXGBE_IVAR_ALLOC_VAL;
>>> +
>>> +   switch (hw->mac.type) {
>>> +
>>> +   case ixgbe_mac_82598EB:
>>> +           if (type == -1)
>>> +                   entry = IXGBE_IVAR_OTHER_CAUSES_INDEX;
>>> +           else
>>> +                   entry += (type * 64);
>>> +           index = (entry >> 2) & 0x1F;
>>> +           ivar = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_IVAR(index));
>>> +           ivar &= ~(0xFF << (8 * (entry & 0x3)));
>>> +           ivar |= (vector << (8 * (entry & 0x3)));
>>> +           IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_IVAR(index), ivar);
>>> +           break;
>>> +
>>> +   case ixgbe_mac_82599EB:
>>> +   case ixgbe_mac_X540:
>>> +           if (type == -1) { /* MISC IVAR */
>>> +                   index = (entry & 1) * 8;
>>> +                   ivar = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_IVAR_MISC);
>>> +                   ivar &= ~(0xFF << index);
>>> +                   ivar |= (vector << index);
>>> +                   IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_IVAR_MISC, ivar);
>>> +           } else {        /* RX/TX IVARS */
>>> +                   index = (16 * (entry & 1)) + (8 * type);
>>> +                   ivar = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_IVAR(entry >> 1));
>>> +                   ivar &= ~(0xFF << index);
>>> +                   ivar |= (vector << index);
>>> +                   IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_IVAR(entry >> 1), ivar);
>>> +           }
>>> +
>>> +           break;
>>> +
>>> +   default:
>>> +           break;
>>> +   }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>    void set_rx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>    {
>>>     struct ixgbe_hw *hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
>>> @@ -3565,6 +3963,25 @@ void set_rx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>                     dev->rx_pkt_burst = ixgbe_recv_scattered_pkts;
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>> +
>>> +   /*
>>> +    * Initialize the appropriate LRO callback.
>>> +    *
>>> +    * If all queues satisfy the bulk allocation preconditions
>>> +    * (hw->rx_bulk_alloc_allowed is TRUE) then we may use bulk allocation.
>>> +    * Otherwise use a single allocation version.
>>> +    */
>>> +   if (dev->data->lro) {
>>> +           if (hw->rx_bulk_alloc_allowed) {
>>> +                   PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "LRO is requested. Using a bulk "
>>> +                                      "allocation version");
>>> +                   dev->rx_pkt_burst = ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro_bulk_alloc;
>>> +           } else {
>>> +                   PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "LRO is requested. Using a single "
>>> +                                      "allocation version");
>>> +                   dev->rx_pkt_burst = ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro;
>>> +           }
>>> +   }
>>>    }
>>>    /*
>>> @@ -3583,10 +4000,26 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>     uint32_t maxfrs;
>>>     uint32_t srrctl;
>>>     uint32_t rdrxctl;
>>> +   uint32_t rscctl;
>>> +   uint32_t psrtype;
>>> +   uint32_t rfctl;
>>>     uint32_t rxcsum;
>>>     uint16_t buf_size;
>>>     uint16_t i;
>>>     struct rte_eth_rxmode *rx_conf = &dev->data->dev_conf.rxmode;
>>> +   struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info = { 0 };
>>> +   bool rsc_capable = false;
>>> +
>>> +   /* Sanity check */
>>> +   dev->dev_ops->dev_infos_get(dev, &dev_info);
>>> +   if (dev_info.rx_offload_capa & DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_LRO)
>>> +           rsc_capable = true;
>>> +
>>> +   if (!rsc_capable && rx_conf->enable_lro) {
>>> +           PMD_INIT_LOG(CRIT, "LRO is requested on HW that doesn't "
>>> +                              "support it");
>>> +           return -EINVAL;
>>> +   }
>>>     hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
>>> @@ -3606,13 +4039,44 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>     IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_FCTRL, fctrl);
>>>     /*
>>> +    * RFCTL configuration
>>> +    *
>>> +    * Since NFS packets coalescing is not supported - clear RFCTL.NFSW_DIS
>>> +    * and RFCTL.NFSR_DIS when RSC is enabled.
>>> +    */
>>> +   if (rsc_capable) {
>>> +           rfctl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_RFCTL);
>>> +           if (rx_conf->enable_lro) {
>>> +                   rfctl &= ~(IXGBE_RFCTL_RSC_DIS | IXGBE_RFCTL_NFSW_DIS |
>>> +                              IXGBE_RFCTL_NFSR_DIS);
>>> +           } else {
>>> +                   rfctl |= IXGBE_RFCTL_RSC_DIS;
>>> +           }
>>> +
>>> +           IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_RFCTL, rfctl);
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +   /*
>>>      * Configure CRC stripping, if any.
>>>      */
>>>     hlreg0 = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_HLREG0);
>>>     if (rx_conf->hw_strip_crc)
>>>             hlreg0 |= IXGBE_HLREG0_RXCRCSTRP;
>>> -   else
>>> +   else {
>>>             hlreg0 &= ~IXGBE_HLREG0_RXCRCSTRP;
>>> +           if (rx_conf->enable_lro) {
>>> +                   /*
>>> +                    * According to chapter of of the Spec Rev.
>>> +                    * 3.0 RSC configuration requires HW CRC stripping being
>>> +                    * enabled. If user requested both HW CRC stripping off
>>> +                    * and RSC on - return an error.
>>> +                    */
>>> +                   PMD_INIT_LOG(CRIT, "LRO can't be enabled when HW CRC "
>>> +                                       "is disabled");
>>> +                   return -EINVAL;
>>> +           }
>>> +   }
>>>     /*
>>>      * Configure jumbo frame support, if any.
>>> @@ -3664,9 +4128,18 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>              * Configure Header Split
>>>              */
>>>             if (rx_conf->header_split) {
>>> +                   /*
>>> +                    * Print a warning if split_hdr_size is less
>>> +                    * than 128 bytes when RSC is requested.
>>> +                    */
>>> +                   if (rx_conf->enable_lro &&
>>> +                       rx_conf->split_hdr_size < 128)
>>> +                           PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "split_hdr_size less than "
>>> +                                              "128 bytes (%d)!",
>>> +                                        rx_conf->split_hdr_size);
>>> +
>>>                     if (hw->mac.type == ixgbe_mac_82599EB) {
>>>                             /* Must setup the PSRTYPE register */
>>> -                           uint32_t psrtype;
>>>                             psrtype = IXGBE_PSRTYPE_TCPHDR |
>>>                                     IXGBE_PSRTYPE_UDPHDR   |
>>>                                     IXGBE_PSRTYPE_IPV4HDR  |
>>> @@ -3679,7 +4152,20 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>                     srrctl |= IXGBE_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_HDR_SPLIT_ALWAYS;
>>>             } else
>>>    #endif
>>> +           {
>>>                     srrctl = IXGBE_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_ADV_ONEBUF;
>>> +                   /*
>>> +                    * Following the chapter of the 82599/x540
>>> +                    * Spec if RSC is enabled the SRRCTL[n].BSIZEHEADER
>>> +                    * should be configured even if header split is not
>>> +                    * enabled. In the later case we will configure it 128
>>> +                    * bytes following the recommendation in the spec.
>>> +                    */
>>> +                   if (rx_conf->enable_lro)
>>> +                           srrctl |=
>>> +                                ((128 << IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDRSIZE_SHIFT) &
>>> +                                               IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDR_MASK);
>>> +           }
>>>             /* Set if packets are dropped when no descriptors available */
>>>             if (rxq->drop_en)
>>> @@ -3696,6 +4182,13 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>                                    RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM);
>>>             srrctl |= ((buf_size >> IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT) &
>>>                        IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_MASK);
>>> +
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * TODO: Consider setting the Receive Descriptor Minimum
>>> +            * Threshold Size for and RSC case. This is not an obviously
>>> +            * beneficiary option but the one worth considering...
>>> +            */
>>> +
>>>             IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_SRRCTL(rxq->reg_idx), srrctl);
>>>             buf_size = (uint16_t) ((srrctl & IXGBE_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_MASK) <<
>>> @@ -3705,11 +4198,57 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>             if (dev->data->dev_conf.rxmode.max_rx_pkt_len +
>>>                                         2 * IXGBE_VLAN_TAG_SIZE > buf_size)
>>>                     dev->data->scattered_rx = 1;
>>> +
>>> +           /* RSC per-queue configuration */
>>> +           if (rx_conf->enable_lro) {
>>> +                   uint32_t eitr;
>>> +
>>> +                   rscctl =
>>> +                           IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_RSCCTL(rxq->reg_idx));
>>> +                   psrtype =
>>> +                           IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_PSRTYPE(rxq->reg_idx));
>>> +                   eitr = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_EITR(rxq->reg_idx));
>>> +
>>> +                   rscctl |= IXGBE_RSCCTL_RSCEN;
>>> +                   rscctl |= get_rscctl_maxdesc(rxq->mb_pool);
>>> +                   psrtype |= IXGBE_PSRTYPE_TCPHDR;
>>> +
>>> +                   /*
>>> +                    * RSC: Set ITR interval corresponding to 2K ints/s.
>>> +                    *
>>> +                    * Full-sized RSC aggregations for a 10Gb/s link will
>>> +                    * arrive at about 20K aggregation/s rate.
>>> +                    *
>>> +                    * 2K inst/s rate will make only 10% of the
>>> +                    * aggregations to be closed due to the interrupt timer
>>> +                    * expiration for a streaming at wire-speed case.
>>> +                    *
>>> +                    * For a sparse streaming case this setting will yield
>>> +                    * at most 500us latency for a single RSC aggregation.
>>> +                    */
>>> +                   eitr   |= (2000 | IXGBE_EITR_CNT_WDIS);
>>> +
>>> +                   IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_RSCCTL(rxq->reg_idx), rscctl);
>>> +                   IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_PSRTYPE(rxq->reg_idx),
>>> +                                                                  psrtype);
>>> +                   IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_EITR(rxq->reg_idx), eitr);
>>> +
>>> +                   /*
>>> +                    * RSC requires the mapping of the queue to the
>>> +                    * interrupt vector.
>>> +                    */
>>> +                   ixgbe_set_ivar(dev, rxq->reg_idx, i, 0);
>>> +
>>> +                   rxq->rsc_en = 1;
>>> +           }
>>>     }
>>>     if (rx_conf->enable_scatter)
>>>             dev->data->scattered_rx = 1;
>>> +   if (rx_conf->enable_lro)
>>> +           dev->data->lro = 1;
>>> +
>>>     set_rx_function(dev);
>>>     /*
>>> @@ -3742,6 +4281,19 @@ ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>>>             IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_RDRXCTL, rdrxctl);
>>>     }
>>> +   /* Finalize RSC configuration  */
>>> +   if (rx_conf->enable_lro) {
>>> +           /*
>>> +            * Follow the instructions in the of the Spec Rev. 3.0
>>> +            */
>>> +           rdrxctl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_RDRXCTL);
>>> +           rdrxctl |= IXGBE_RDRXCTL_RSCACKC;
>>> +           IXGBE_WRITE_REG(hw, IXGBE_RDRXCTL, rdrxctl);
>>> +
>>> +           PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO, "enabling LRO mode");
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +
>>>     return 0;
>>>    }
>> I've just noticed that RTE_HEADER_SPLIT_ENABLE used in
>> ixgbe_dev_rx_init() is not enabled anywhere: neither in config_XXX files
>> nor anywhere else.
>> It looks like this macro is used only in ixgbe_rxtx.c. Seems like this
>> is some sort of a legacy leftovers, isn't it?
> Yes, I believe so.
> I presume there was an attempt a while ago to support Header Split RX 
> functionality.
> Though, as I am aware, right now our ixgbe PMD don't support it.

I see. Good to know. In this case I won't add the dead code in the LRO 
patch too.

Thanks for clarification.

> Konstantin
>> Konstantin, could u, pls., comment?
>>> diff --git a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.h 
>>> b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.h
>>> index bbe5ff3..389173f 100644
>>> --- a/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.h
>>> +++ b/lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.h
>>> @@ -79,6 +79,10 @@ struct igb_rx_entry {
>>>     struct rte_mbuf *mbuf; /**< mbuf associated with RX descriptor. */
>>>    };
>>> +struct igb_rsc_entry {
>>> +   struct rte_mbuf *fbuf; /**< First segment of the fragmented packet. */
>>> +};
>>> +
>>>    /**
>>>     * Structure associated with each descriptor of the TX ring of a TX 
>>> queue.
>>>     */
>>> @@ -105,6 +109,7 @@ struct igb_rx_queue {
>>>     volatile uint32_t   *rdt_reg_addr; /**< RDT register address. */
>>>     volatile uint32_t   *rdh_reg_addr; /**< RDH register address. */
>>>     struct igb_rx_entry *sw_ring; /**< address of RX software ring. */
>>> +   struct igb_rsc_entry *sw_rsc_ring; /**< address of RSC software ring. */
>>>     struct rte_mbuf *pkt_first_seg; /**< First segment of current packet. */
>>>     struct rte_mbuf *pkt_last_seg; /**< Last segment of current packet. */
>>>     uint64_t            mbuf_initializer; /**< value to init mbufs */
>>> @@ -126,6 +131,7 @@ struct igb_rx_queue {
>>>     uint8_t             port_id;  /**< Device port identifier. */
>>>     uint8_t             crc_len;  /**< 0 if CRC stripped, 4 otherwise. */
>>>     uint8_t             drop_en;  /**< If not 0, set SRRCTL.Drop_En. */
>>> +   uint8_t             rsc_en;   /**< If not 0, RSC is enabled. */
>>>     uint8_t             rx_deferred_start; /**< not in global dev start. */
>>>     /** need to alloc dummy mbuf, for wraparound when scanning hw ring */

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