During the vhost data path building process, qemu will create a call fd at 
and create another call fd in the end. The final call fd will be used to relay 
In the original code, after kick fd is set, dev_conf will set the first
call fd. Even though the actual call fd will set, the data path will not work 

Signed-off-by: Andy Pei <andy....@intel.com>
 lib/vhost/vhost_user.c | 15 +++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/vhost/vhost_user.c b/lib/vhost/vhost_user.c
index 5eb1dd6..0be879a 100644
--- a/lib/vhost/vhost_user.c
+++ b/lib/vhost/vhost_user.c
@@ -3137,12 +3137,27 @@ typedef int (*vhost_message_handler_t)(struct 
virtio_net **pdev,
        if (!vdpa_dev)
                goto out;
+       if (request != VHOST_USER_SET_VRING_CALL)
+               goto out;
        if (!(dev->flags & VIRTIO_DEV_VDPA_CONFIGURED)) {
                if (vdpa_dev->ops->dev_conf(dev->vid))
                                         "Failed to configure vDPA device\n");
                        dev->flags |= VIRTIO_DEV_VDPA_CONFIGURED;
+       } else {
+               /**
+               ** when VIRTIO_DEV_VDPA_CONFIGURED already configured
+               ** close the device and config the device again,
+               ** make sure the call fd of each queue is configed correctly.
+               **/
+               if (vdpa_dev->ops->dev_close(dev->vid))
+                       VHOST_LOG_CONFIG(ERR,
+                                        "Failed to close vDPA device\n");
+               if (vdpa_dev->ops->dev_conf(dev->vid))
+                       VHOST_LOG_CONFIG(ERR,
+                                        "Failed to re-config vDPA device\n");

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