On 1/21/2022 3:52 PM, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 1/21/2022 9:27 AM, Yanling Song wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:56:52 +0000
Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com> wrote:
On 12/30/2021 6:08 AM, Yanling Song wrote:
The patchsets introduce SPNIC driver for Ramaxel's SPNxx serial NIC
cards into DPDK 22.03. Ramaxel Memory Technology is a company which
supply a lot of electric products: storage, communication, PCB...
SPNxxx is a serial PCIE interface NIC cards:
SPN110: 2 PORTs *25G
SPN120: 4 PORTs *25G
SPN130: 2 PORTs *100G
Hi Yanling,
As far as I can see hnic (from Huawei) and this spnic drivers are
alike, what is the relation between these two?
It is hard to create a brand new driver from scratch, so we referenced
to hinic driver when developing spnic.
That is OK, but based on the familiarity of the code you may consider
keeping the original code Copyright, I didn't investigate in
that level but cc'ed hinic maintainers for info.
Also cc'ed Hemant for guidance.
Yes, if large part of code is driven from an existing driver, it is
advisable to keep the original copyright. You can add your copyright as
well, if you have changed the code.
Alternately, you provide reference in the file header, that this file id
driver from xx file having license type Y.
But my question was more related to the HW, is there any relation between
the hinic HW and spnic HW? Like one is derived from other etc...
The following is main features of our SPNIC:
- Flow control
- SR-IOV(Partially supported)
- VLAN offload
- VLAN filter
- CRC offload
- Promiscuous mode
v6->v5, No real changes:
1. Move the fix of RTE_ETH_DEV_AUTOFILL_QUEUE_XSTATS from patch 26
to patch 2; 2. Change the description of patch 26.
1. Add prefix "spinc_" for external functions;
3. Do not use void* for keeping the type information
1. Fix ABI test failure;
2. Remove some descriptions in spnic.rst.
1. Fix clang compiling failure.
1. Fix coding style issues and compiling failures;
2. Only support linux in meson.build;
5. Remove redundant checks in spnic_dev_configure();
Yanling Song (26):
drivers/net: introduce a new PMD driver
net/spnic: initialize the HW interface
net/spnic: add mbox message channel
net/spnic: introduce event queue
net/spnic: add mgmt module
net/spnic: add cmdq and work queue
net/spnic: add interface handling cmdq message
net/spnic: add hardware info initialization
net/spnic: support MAC and link event handling
net/spnic: add function info initialization
net/spnic: add queue pairs context initialization
net/spnic: support mbuf handling of Tx/Rx
net/spnic: support Rx congfiguration
net/spnic: add port/vport enable
net/spnic: support IO packets handling
net/spnic: add device configure/version/info
net/spnic: support RSS configuration update and get
net/spnic: support VLAN filtering and offloading
net/spnic: support promiscuous and allmulticast Rx modes
net/spnic: support flow control
net/spnic: support getting Tx/Rx queues info
net/spnic: net/spnic: support xstats statistics
net/spnic: support VFIO interrupt
net/spnic: support Tx/Rx queue start/stop
net/spnic: add doc infrastructure
net/spnic: fixes unsafe C style code