From: Harry van Haaren <>

This commit adds parsing infrastructure and support
for Ether parsing. Appropriate unit tests are also added

Signed-off-by: Harry van Haaren <>
 app/test/test_gen.c |  29 +++++
 lib/gen/ |   2 +-
 lib/gen/rte_gen.c   | 299 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/gen/rte_gen.h   |  12 ++
 lib/gen/ |   1 +
 5 files changed, 342 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/app/test/test_gen.c b/app/test/test_gen.c
index b60ceaef8a..324582d0a5 100644
--- a/app/test/test_gen.c
+++ b/app/test/test_gen.c
@@ -112,6 +112,34 @@ test_gen_packet_set_raw(void)
        return 0;
+static int
+       struct rte_gen *gen = rte_gen_create(mp);
+       TEST_ASSERT_FAIL(gen, "Expected valid pointer after create()");
+       struct str_parse_t {
+               const char *str;
+       } pkt_strings[] = {
+               { .str = "Ether()"},
+               { .str = "Ether()/"},
+               { .str = "/Ether()"},
+               { .str = "/Ether()/"}
+       };
+       uint32_t i;
+       for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(pkt_strings); i++) {
+               const char *pkt_str = pkt_strings[i].str;
+               int32_t err = rte_gen_packet_parse_string(gen, pkt_str, NULL);
+               TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, 0, "Expected string %s to parse.",
+                               pkt_str);
+       }
+       rte_gen_destroy(gen);
+       return 0;
 static struct unit_test_suite gen_suite  = {
        .suite_name = "gen: packet generator unit test suite",
        .setup = testsuite_setup,
@@ -121,6 +149,7 @@ static struct unit_test_suite gen_suite  = {
                TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, NULL, test_gen_basic_rxtx),
                TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, NULL, test_gen_loop_rxtx),
                TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, NULL, test_gen_packet_set_raw),
+               TEST_CASE_ST(NULL, NULL, test_gen_packet_parse_string),
                TEST_CASES_END() /**< NULL terminate unit test array */
diff --git a/lib/gen/ b/lib/gen/
index 753984cbba..b3a55564f4 100644
--- a/lib/gen/
+++ b/lib/gen/
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
 sources = files('rte_gen.c')
 headers = files('rte_gen.h')
-deps += ['mempool', 'mbuf']
+deps += ['mempool', 'mbuf', 'net']
diff --git a/lib/gen/rte_gen.c b/lib/gen/rte_gen.c
index 8a54c4bcdb..4d3fe4017f 100644
--- a/lib/gen/rte_gen.c
+++ b/lib/gen/rte_gen.c
@@ -9,12 +9,18 @@
 #include <rte_hexdump.h>
 #include <rte_log.h>
+#include <rte_ether.h>
 RTE_LOG_REGISTER(gen_logtype, lib.gen, NOTICE);
 #define GEN_LOG(level, fmt, args...)                           \
        rte_log(RTE_LOG_ ## level, gen_logtype, "%s(): " fmt,   \
                __func__, ## args)
+/* Don't prefix with function name, breaks the Scapy style formatting. */
+#define GEN_LOG_PROTOCOL(level, fmt, args...)                  \
+       rte_log(RTE_LOG_ ## level, gen_logtype, fmt, ## args)
 #define GEN_MAX_BURST 32
 #define GEN_INIT_PKT_SIZE 64
@@ -126,3 +132,296 @@ rte_gen_tx_burst(struct rte_gen *gen,
        return nb_pkts;
+enum GEN_PROTO {
+       /* Must be last. */
+typedef void (*gen_log_func)(void *data, const char *indent);
+/* Structure for holding offset and function pointers for protocol. */
+struct protocol_meta {
+       /* Byte offset into packet where this protocol starts. */
+       uint32_t offset;
+       /* Function to call to log the packet's information. */
+       gen_log_func log_func;
+/* Allow up to 32 nexted '/' characters in the protocol string. */
+/* Structure to hold state required while parsing. */
+struct gen_parser {
+       /* Mbuf the parsed data is being put into. */
+       struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
+       uint8_t *mbuf_data;
+       /* Offset into the packet data to parse to next. */
+       uint32_t buf_write_offset;
+       /* Parsing state. */
+       uint8_t parse_iter;
+       char indent_str[(GEN_PROTO_PARSE_MAX * 2) + 1];
+       /* String being parsed. */
+       char *parse_string;
+       char *parse_strtok_save_ptr;
+       /* Store metadata for parse/display of protocols.  */
+       struct protocol_meta proto_meta[GEN_PROTO_PARSE_MAX];
+       /* Per protocol hit counters. */
+       uint32_t proto_hit_counters[GEN_PROTO_COUNT];
+/* Forward declaration of recursive parsing function.
+ * @param inner reports back the inner protocol that was handled. This is often
+ * required for the outer protocol to indicate what the inner protocol is.
+ */
+static int32_t
+gen_parser_parse_next(struct gen_parser *parser, enum GEN_PROTO *inner);
+/* Return void pointer to the position in the data buffer to parse into. */
+static inline void *
+gen_parser_get_data_ptr(struct gen_parser *parser)
+       return &parser->mbuf_data[parser->buf_write_offset];
+/* Initialize a parser structure. */
+static int32_t
+gen_parser_init(struct gen_parser *parser, struct rte_gen *gen,
+               const char *pkt_string)
+       /* Initialize own memory to zero. */
+       memset(parser, 0, sizeof(*parser));
+       /* Duplicate string for tokenizing string. */
+       parser->parse_string = strdup(pkt_string);
+       if (!parser->parse_string)
+               goto error;
+       /* Allocate mbuf to parse packet into. */
+       parser->mbuf = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(gen->mp);
+       if (!parser->mbuf)
+               goto error;
+       parser->mbuf_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(parser->mbuf, uint8_t *);
+       return 0;
+       free(parser->parse_string);
+       return -ENOMEM;
+static void
+gen_log_ether(void *data, const char *indent)
+       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth = data;
+       char src[64];
+       char dst[64];
+       rte_ether_format_addr(src, 64, &eth->src_addr);
+       rte_ether_format_addr(dst, 64, &eth->dst_addr);
+       const char *type_str;
+       switch (rte_be_to_cpu_16(eth->ether_type)) {
+       case RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV4:
+               type_str = "IPv4";
+               break;
+       default:
+               type_str = "0x9000";
+               break;
+       };
+               "###[ Ethernet ]###\n%sdst= %s\n%ssrc= %s\n%stype= %s\n",
+               indent, dst, indent, src, indent, type_str);
+/* Ether(...) string detected, supports parameters:
+ * - dst : Destination MAC in 00:11:22:33:44:55 or 0011:2233:4455 forms.
+ * - src : Source MAC in the same forms.
+ * Note:
+ * - type is set based on the next header
+ */
+static int32_t
+gen_parse_ether(struct gen_parser *parser, char *protocol_str)
+       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth = gen_parser_get_data_ptr(parser);
+       char *dst_ptr = strstr(protocol_str, "dst=");
+       if (dst_ptr) {
+               char *dup = strdup(dst_ptr);
+               rte_ether_unformat_addr(&dup[4], &eth->dst_addr);
+               free(dup);
+       } else
+               rte_ether_unformat_addr("ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", &eth->dst_addr);
+       char *src_ptr = strstr(protocol_str, "src=");
+       if (src_ptr)
+               rte_ether_unformat_addr(&src_ptr[4], &eth->src_addr);
+       else
+               rte_ether_unformat_addr("00:00:00:00:00:00", &eth->src_addr);
+       /* Move up write pointer in packet. */
+       parser->buf_write_offset += sizeof(*eth);
+       /* Recurse and handle inner protocol. */
+       enum GEN_PROTO inner;
+       int32_t err = gen_parser_parse_next(parser, &inner);
+       if (err) {
+               GEN_LOG(ERR, "parser parse next() error %d\n", err);
+               return err;
+       }
+       switch (inner) {
+       default:
+               eth->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(0x9000);
+               break;
+       };
+       return 0;
+/* (Name, Function-pointer) pairs for supported parse types */
+typedef int32_t (*gen_parse_func)(struct gen_parser *parser,
+                               char *protocol_str);
+struct gen_parse_func_t {
+       const char *name;
+       enum GEN_PROTO proto;
+       gen_parse_func parse_func;
+       gen_log_func log_func;
+/* Mapping from string to function to parse that protocol. */
+static struct gen_parse_func_t gen_protocols[] = {
+       {
+               .name = "Ether(",
+               .proto = GEN_PROTO_ETHER,
+               .parse_func = gen_parse_ether,
+               .log_func = gen_log_ether,
+       }
+/* Function to tokenize and parse each segment of a string.
+ * @param outer indicates the protocol before this one.
+ * @param inner returns the protocol that is parsed here/now.
+ */
+static int32_t
+gen_parser_parse_next(struct gen_parser *parser,
+                       enum GEN_PROTO *inner_proto)
+       /* Tokenize the input string based on '/' character. */
+       char *tok_str = (parser->parse_iter == 0) ?
+                                       parser->parse_string : NULL;
+       parser->parse_string = strtok_r(tok_str, "/",
+                                       &parser->parse_strtok_save_ptr);
+       /* End protocol parsing recursion when parse_string is NULL, or max
+        * protocol recursion depth is reached.
+        */
+       if (!parser->parse_string ||
+                       parser->parse_iter >= GEN_PROTO_PARSE_MAX) {
+               struct rte_mbuf *mbuf = parser->mbuf;
+               mbuf->data_len = parser->buf_write_offset;
+               mbuf->pkt_len = parser->buf_write_offset;
+               GEN_LOG(DEBUG, "packet length %d\n", mbuf->pkt_len);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       uint32_t i;
+       /* Loop over protocols, and identify the parse function to call. */
+       for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(gen_protocols); i++) {
+               const char *proto = gen_protocols[i].name;
+               uint32_t proto_len = strlen(proto);
+               if (strncmp(proto, parser->parse_string, proto_len))
+                       continue;
+               /* Store the log function pointer to output later. */
+               uint32_t iter = parser->parse_iter;
+               parser->proto_hit_counters[i]++;
+               struct protocol_meta *meta = &parser->proto_meta[iter];
+               if (gen_protocols[i].log_func == NULL) {
+                       GEN_LOG(ERR, "Missing log function, failed to log %s\n",
+                                                                       proto);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               meta->log_func = gen_protocols[i].log_func;
+               meta->offset = parser->buf_write_offset;
+               if (gen_protocols[i].parse_func == NULL) {
+                       GEN_LOG(ERR, "Missing parse function, failed to parse 
+                                                               , proto);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               /* Handle protocol recursively. */
+               parser->parse_iter++;
+               int err = gen_protocols[i].parse_func(parser,
+                                                       parser->parse_string);
+               *inner_proto = gen_protocols[i].proto;
+               return err;
+       }
+       GEN_LOG(ERR, "parser does not understand protocol %s\n",
+               parser->parse_string);
+       return -1;
+rte_gen_packet_parse_string(struct rte_gen *gen,
+                           const char *pkt_string,
+                           struct rte_mbuf **old_mbuf_to_user)
+       struct gen_parser parser;
+       int32_t err = gen_parser_init(&parser, gen, pkt_string);
+       if (err) {
+               GEN_LOG(ERR, "error with parser_init(), %d\n", err);
+               return -1;
+       };
+       /* Recursively parse each protocol. */
+       enum GEN_PROTO inner;
+       err = gen_parser_parse_next(&parser, &inner);
+       if (err) {
+               GEN_LOG(ERR, "Error in parsing packet string. "
+                       "Set \"gen\" log level to debug for more info.\n");
+               rte_pktmbuf_free(parser.mbuf);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       uint32_t i;
+       /* Iterate the per protocol stored metadata to log output. */
+       for (i = 0; i < parser.parse_iter; i++) {
+               snprintf(parser.indent_str, 2 + i * 2,
+                       "                               " /* 32 spaces. */);
+               if (gen_protocols[i].log_func == NULL) {
+                       GEN_LOG(ERR, "Missing log function\n");
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               void *buf_off = parser.mbuf_data + parser.proto_meta[i].offset;
+               parser.proto_meta[i].log_func(buf_off, parser.indent_str);
+       }
+       if (inner != GEN_PROTO_ETHER) {
+               GEN_LOG(WARNING,
+                       "Outer protocol of frame is not Ethernet.\n");
+       }
+       /* Free the currently in use mbuf. */
+       if (old_mbuf_to_user)
+               *old_mbuf_to_user = gen->base_pkt;
+       else
+               rte_pktmbuf_free(gen->base_pkt);
+       /* TODO: HVH design race-condition above vs rx/tx*/
+       gen->base_pkt = parser.mbuf;
+       return 0;
diff --git a/lib/gen/rte_gen.h b/lib/gen/rte_gen.h
index 9119331673..93b3346436 100644
--- a/lib/gen/rte_gen.h
+++ b/lib/gen/rte_gen.h
@@ -95,6 +95,18 @@ rte_gen_packet_set_raw(struct rte_gen *gen,
                       const uint8_t *raw_data,
                       uint32_t raw_data_size);
+/* Parse a string description of a packet.
+ *
+ * The optional out parameter supplies the previously being sent mbuf to
+ * the user to be freed later. If this argument is not provided, then the
+ * mbuf is freed by this function.
+ */
+rte_gen_packet_parse_string(struct rte_gen *gen,
+                           const char *pkt_string,
+                           struct rte_mbuf **old_mbuf_to_user);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/lib/gen/ b/lib/gen/
index d75e0b4bac..e335c608ee 100644
--- a/lib/gen/
+++ b/lib/gen/
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ EXPERIMENTAL {
+       rte_gen_packet_parse_string;

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