> From: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
> [...]
> > What is the expected running time of this test? When I tried it out
> on my
> > machine it appears to hang after the following output:
> > [...]
It always runs within 50 seconds on my machine (E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz).
Judging by the output, it runs faster than yours
(203 vs 811 total microseconds in 1M allocation case):

USER1: Reference: memset
USER1: Result: 14.557848.3 GiB/s <=> 67.08 us/MiB
USER1: Performance: rte_malloc
USER1:     Size (B)    Runs  Alloc (us)   Free (us)  Total (us)      memset (us)
USER1:           64   10000        0.09        0.04        0.13             0.01
USER1:          128   10000        0.09        0.04        0.13             0.01
USER1:         1024   10000        0.12        0.09        0.21             0.11
USER1:         4096   10000        0.15        0.40        0.55             0.27
USER1:        65536   10000        0.16        4.37        4.53             4.25
USER1:      1048576   10000       73.85      129.23      203.07            67.26
USER1:      2097152    7154      148.98      259.42      408.39           134.34
USER1:      4194304    3570      298.28      519.76      818.04           268.65
USER1:     16777216     882     1206.85     2093.46     3300.30          1074.25
USER1:   1073741824       6   188765.01   206544.04   395309.06         68739.83

Note that to see --huge-unlink effect you must run it twice:
the first run creates and leaves the files, the second reuses them.

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