> -----Original Message-----
> From: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.lin...@pantheon.tech>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 7, 2021 7:05 PM
> To: tho...@monjalon.net; david.march...@redhat.com; Honnappa
> Nagarahalli <honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com>; Ruifeng Wang
> <ruifeng.w...@arm.com>; ferruh.yi...@intel.com; jerinjac...@gmail.com
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Juraj Linkeš <juraj.lin...@pantheon.tech>
> Subject: [PATCH v2 4/4] docs: add an example arm64 cross file
> The docs mention modifications and additions to the cross file, but there is
> no demonstration of how those should look like.
> Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.lin...@pantheon.tech>
> ---
> .../linux_gsg/cross_build_dpdk_for_arm64.rst | 26 +++++++++++++++++++
> 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/doc/guides/linux_gsg/cross_build_dpdk_for_arm64.rst
> b/doc/guides/linux_gsg/cross_build_dpdk_for_arm64.rst
> index 6153bc5b77..78bf19882e 100644
> --- a/doc/guides/linux_gsg/cross_build_dpdk_for_arm64.rst
> +++ b/doc/guides/linux_gsg/cross_build_dpdk_for_arm64.rst
> @@ -137,6 +137,32 @@ Cross Compiling DPDK with GNU toolchain using
> Meson
> ones, which have an extra "-none-" in their name. Please modify the cross
> file binaries accordingly when using the downloaded cross compilers.
> + An example cross file with modified names and added numa paths would
> look
> + like this:
> +
> +.. code-block:: console
> +
> + [binaries]
> + c = 'aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc'
> + cpp = 'aarch64-none-linux-gnu-cpp'
> + ar = 'aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc-ar'
> + strip = 'aarch64-none-linux-gnu-strip'
> + pkgconfig = 'aarch64-linux-gnu-pkg-config' # the downloaded binaries
> + # don't contain a pkgconfig binary, so it's not modified
> + pcap-config = ''
> +
> + [host_machine]
> + system = 'linux'
> + cpu_family = 'aarch64'
> + cpu = 'armv8-a'
> + endian = 'little'
> +
> + [properties]
> + # Generate binaries that are portable across all Armv8 machines
> + platform = 'generic'
> + c_args = ['-I<numa_install_dir>/include'] # replace <numa_install_dir>
> + c_link_args = ['-L<numa_install_dir>/lib'] # with your path
> +
> To cross-compile DPDK on a desired target machine we can use the following
> command::
> --
> 2.20.1
Acked-by: Ruifeng Wang <ruifeng.w...@arm.com>