On 11/25/2021 6:41 PM, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
On 11/23/2021 8:47 AM, Aman Singh wrote:
The cocci script is to help add prefix 'RTE_ETH' namespace to enum
& macro of ethdev library. It helps in automating these changes for
applications. The script won't make changes in the code comment part.
Usage: spatch <script path> <app path>

Hi Aman,

I am trying to test the script, I thought an easy way can be to run
the script in an old version of the DPDK release and expecting it
build successfully after script run.
For that I am using 'spatch --include-headers --in-place' option on p
the repo.

Getting build error for the OFFLOAD macros, header files seems not
updated for the offloads, but .c files are updated.

Am I missing something, or .h left out intentionally?
Is there a way to update all?

What I missed was script is not updating "#define ..." usage,
this make sense since target is for applications to update their code,
so script should update usage, not defines.

And as I tested with v21.08 with latest ethdev.h defines, some macros
seems not updated:

Deprecated and removed macros are not updated, like:

And for some cases, like a new PMD specific macro is defined using
old existing macros, old macros are not updated.

Except from above issues, script updates majority of the macros,
and can be useful for application developers, also script can be
improved more later.

With above notes:
Tested-by: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com>

Signed-off-by: Aman Singh <aman.deep.si...@intel.com>


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