VXLAN-GPE extends VXLAN protocol and provides the next protocol
field specifying the first inner header type.

The application can assign some explicit value to
VXLAN-GPE::next_protocol field or set it to the default one. In the
latter case, the rdma-core library cannot recognize the matcher
built by PMD correctly, and it results in hardware configuration
missing inner headers match.

The patch forces VXLAN-GPE::next_protocol assignment if the
application did not explicitly assign it to the non-default value

Cc: sta...@dpdk.org

Fixes: 90456726eb80 ("net/mlx5: fix VXLAN-GPE item translation")
Signed-off-by: Gregory Etelson <getel...@nvidia.com>
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c | 76 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
index 1b4e15dff1..f9acb69cca 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_flow_dv.c
@@ -8962,46 +8962,40 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 static void
 flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(void *matcher, void *key,
-                                const struct rte_flow_item *item, int inner)
+                                const struct rte_flow_item *item,
+                                const uint64_t pattern_flags)
+       static const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe dummy_vxlan_gpe_hdr = {0, };
        const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe *vxlan_m = item->mask;
        const struct rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe *vxlan_v = item->spec;
-       void *headers_m;
-       void *headers_v;
+       /* The item was validated to be on the outer side */
+       void *headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, outer_headers);
+       void *headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
        void *misc_m =
                MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher, misc_parameters_3);
        void *misc_v =
                MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, misc_parameters_3);
-       char *vni_m;
-       char *vni_v;
-       uint16_t dport;
-       int size;
-       int i;
+       char *vni_m =
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m, outer_vxlan_gpe_vni);
+       char *vni_v =
+               MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v, outer_vxlan_gpe_vni);
+       int i, size = sizeof(vxlan_m->vni);
        uint8_t flags_m = 0xff;
        uint8_t flags_v = 0xc;
+       uint8_t m_protocol, v_protocol;
-       if (inner) {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        inner_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, inner_headers);
-       } else {
-               headers_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, matcher,
-                                        outer_headers);
-               headers_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_param, key, outer_headers);
-       }
-       dport = item->type == RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN ?
        if (!MLX5_GET16(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport)) {
                MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_m, udp_dport, 0xFFFF);
-               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport, dport);
+               MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_lyr_2_4, headers_v, udp_dport,
+                        MLX5_UDP_PORT_VXLAN_GPE);
+       }
+       if (!vxlan_v) {
+               vxlan_v = &dummy_vxlan_gpe_hdr;
+               vxlan_m = &dummy_vxlan_gpe_hdr;
+       } else {
+               if (!vxlan_m)
+                       vxlan_m = &rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe_mask;
-       if (!vxlan_v)
-               return;
-       if (!vxlan_m)
-               vxlan_m = &rte_flow_item_vxlan_gpe_mask;
-       size = sizeof(vxlan_m->vni);
-       vni_m = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m, outer_vxlan_gpe_vni);
-       vni_v = MLX5_ADDR_OF(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v, outer_vxlan_gpe_vni);
        memcpy(vni_m, vxlan_m->vni, size);
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                vni_v[i] = vni_m[i] & vxlan_v->vni[i];
@@ -9011,10 +9005,22 @@ flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(void *matcher, void 
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m, outer_vxlan_gpe_flags, flags_m);
        MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v, outer_vxlan_gpe_flags, flags_v);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m, outer_vxlan_gpe_next_protocol,
-                vxlan_m->protocol);
-       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v, outer_vxlan_gpe_next_protocol,
-                vxlan_v->protocol);
+       m_protocol = vxlan_m->protocol;
+       v_protocol = vxlan_v->protocol;
+       if (!m_protocol) {
+               m_protocol = 0xff;
+               /* Force next protocol to ensure next headers parsing. */
+               if (pattern_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L2)
+                       v_protocol = RTE_VXLAN_GPE_TYPE_ETH;
+               else if (pattern_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV4)
+                       v_protocol = RTE_VXLAN_GPE_TYPE_IPV4;
+               else if (pattern_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_INNER_L3_IPV6)
+                       v_protocol = RTE_VXLAN_GPE_TYPE_IPV6;
+       }
+       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_m,
+                outer_vxlan_gpe_next_protocol, m_protocol);
+       MLX5_SET(fte_match_set_misc3, misc_v,
+                outer_vxlan_gpe_next_protocol, m_protocol & v_protocol);
@@ -12644,6 +12650,7 @@ flow_dv_translate(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                .std_tbl_fix = true,
        const struct rte_flow_item *integrity_items[2] = {NULL, NULL};
+       const struct rte_flow_item *tunnel_item = NULL;
        if (!wks)
                return rte_flow_error_set(error, ENOMEM,
@@ -13437,11 +13444,9 @@ flow_dv_translate(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                        last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN;
                case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_VXLAN_GPE:
-                       flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(match_mask,
-                                                        match_value, items,
-                                                        tunnel);
                        matcher.priority = MLX5_TUNNEL_PRIO_GET(rss_desc);
                        last_item = MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN_GPE;
+                       tunnel_item = items;
                case RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_GENEVE:
                        flow_dv_translate_item_geneve(match_mask, match_value,
@@ -13573,6 +13578,9 @@ flow_dv_translate(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+       if (item_flags & MLX5_FLOW_LAYER_VXLAN_GPE)
+               flow_dv_translate_item_vxlan_gpe(match_mask, match_value,
+                                                tunnel_item, item_flags);

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