On Sun, Nov 7, 2021 at 6:04 PM Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote:
> 03/11/2021 19:01, Radha Mohan Chintakuntla:
> > This patch creates and initializes a dmadev device on pci probe.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Radha Mohan Chintakuntla <rad...@marvell.com>
> Series applied with few small improvements in the doc,
> compilation and other more or less important details
> like the release notes.

Thank you.
> I think you forgot to update dpdk-devbind script.
> See also this patch:
> https://patches.dpdk.org/project/dpdk/patch/20211107225708.3087968-1-tho...@monjalon.net/

Yes need to remove it from "misc" but also rename octeontx2_dma to
cnxk_dma and add under "dma_devices". I missed this.

I can push a patch which does both or if are ok to update yours then
that would be great.

diff --git a/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py b/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py
index bb00f43702..643860b3ae 100755
--- a/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py
+++ b/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
                  'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
 octeontx2_npa = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a0fb,a0fc',
                  'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
-octeontx2_dma = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a081',
+cnxk_dma = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a081',
                  'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
 octeontx2_ree = {'Class': '08', 'Vendor': '177d', 'Device': 'a0f4',
                  'SVendor': None, 'SDevice': None}
@@ -71,13 +71,14 @@
 network_devices = [network_class, cavium_pkx, avp_vnic, ifpga_class]
 baseband_devices = [acceleration_class]
 crypto_devices = [encryption_class, intel_processor_class]
-dma_devices = [intel_idxd_spr, intel_ioat_bdw, intel_ioat_icx, intel_ioat_skx]
+dma_devices = [intel_idxd_spr, intel_ioat_bdw, intel_ioat_icx, intel_ioat_skx
+               cnxk_dma]
 eventdev_devices = [cavium_sso, cavium_tim, intel_dlb, octeontx2_sso]
 mempool_devices = [cavium_fpa, octeontx2_npa]
 compress_devices = [cavium_zip]
 regex_devices = [octeontx2_ree]
-misc_devices = [cnxk_bphy, cnxk_bphy_cgx, cnxk_inl_dev, intel_ntb_skx,
-                intel_ntb_icx, octeontx2_dma]
+misc_devices = [cnxk_bphy, cnxk_bphy_cgx, cnxk_inl_dev,
+                intel_ntb_skx, intel_ntb_icx]

> Overall I have doubts about the quality but I want to move forward
> with the new DMA drivers.
> I will be probably less flexible with the next patches.

Ok. Please let know if you find any specific ones that needs improvements.

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