On 2021-10-27 13:03, Van Haaren, Harry wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dev <dev-boun...@dpdk.org> On Behalf Of Thomas Monjalon
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 9:13 AM
>> To: Aman Kumar <aman.ku...@vvdntech.in>
>> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; viachesl...@nvidia.com; Burakov, Anatoly
>> <anatoly.bura...@intel.com>; keesang.s...@amd.com;
>> aman.ku...@vvdntech.in; jerinjac...@gmail.com; Ananyev, Konstantin
>> <konstantin.anan...@intel.com>; Richardson, Bruce
>> <bruce.richard...@intel.com>; honnappa.nagaraha...@arm.com; Ruifeng Wang
>> <ruifeng.w...@arm.com>; David Christensen <d...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>;
>> david.march...@redhat.com; step...@networkplumber.org
>> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v4 2/2] lib/eal: add temporal store memcpy
>> support for AMD platform
>> 27/10/2021 09:28, Aman Kumar:
>>> This patch provides a rte_memcpy* call with temporal stores.
>>> Use -Dcpu_instruction_set=znverX with build to enable this API.
>>> Signed-off-by: Aman Kumar <aman.ku...@vvdntech.in>
>> For the series, Acked-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
>> With the hope that such optimization will go in libc in a near future.
>> If there is no objection, I will merge this AMD-specific series in 21.11-rc2.
>> It should not affect other platforms.
> Hi Folks,
> This patchset was brought to my attention, and I have a few concerns.
> I'll add short snippets of context from the patch here so I can refer to it 
> below;
> +/**
> + * Copy 16 bytes from one location to another,
> + * with temporal stores
> + */
> +static __rte_always_inline void
> +rte_copy16_ts(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src)
> +{
> +     __m128i var128;
> +
> +     var128 = _mm_stream_load_si128((__m128i *)src);
> +     _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dst, var128);
> +}
> 1) What is fundamentally specific to the znverX CPU? Is there any reason this 
> can not just be enabled for x86-64 generic with SSE4.1 ISA requirements?
> _mm_stream_load_si128() is part of SSE4.1
> _mm_storeu_si128() is SSE2.
> Using the intrinsics guide for lookup of intrinsics to ISA level: 
> https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guide/index.html?wapkw=intrinsics%20guide#text=_mm_stream_load&ig_expand=6884
> 2) Are -D options allowed to change/break API/ABI?
> By allowing -Dcpu_instruction_set= to change available functions, any 
> application using it is no longer source-code (API) compatible with "DPDK" 
> proper.
> This patch essentially splits a "DPDK" app to depend on "DPDK + CPU version 
> -D flag", in an incompatible way (no fallback?).
> 3) The stream load instruction used here *requires* 16-byte alignment for its 
> operand.
> This is not documented, and worse, a uint8_t* is accepted, which is cast to 
> (__m128i *).
> This cast hides the compiler warning for expanding type-alignments.
> And the code itself is broken - passing a "src" parameter that is not 16-byte 
> aligned will segfault.
> 4) Temporal and Non-temporal are not logically presented here.
> Temporal loads/stores are normal loads/stores. They use the L1/L2 caches.
> Non-temporal loads/stores indicate that the data will *not* be used again in 
> a short space of time.
> Non-temporal means "having no relation to time" according to my internet 
> search.
> 5) The *store* here uses a normal store (temporal, targets cache). The *load* 
> however is a streaming (non-temporal, no cache) load.
> It is not clearly documented that A) stream load will be used.
> The inverse is documented "copy with ts" aka, copy with temporal store.
> Is documenting the store as temporal meant to imply that the load is 
> non-temporal?
> 6) What is the use-case for this? When would a user *want* to use this 
> instead of rte_memcpy()?
> If the data being loaded is relevant to datapath/packets, presumably other 
> packets might require the
> loaded data, so temporal (normal) loads should be used to cache the source 
> data?

I'm not sure if your first question is rhetorical or not, but a memcpy() 
in a NT variant is certainly useful. One use case for a memcpy() with 
temporal loads and non-temporal stores is if you need to archive packet 
payload for (distant, potential) future use, and want to avoid causing 
unnecessary LLC evictions while doing so.

> 7) Why is streaming (non-temporal) loads & stores not used? I guess maybe 
> this is regarding the use-case,
> but its not clear to me right now why loads are NT, and stores are T.
> All in all, I do not think merging this patch is a good idea. I would like to 
> understand the motivation for adding
> this type of function, and then see it being done in a way that is clearly 
> documented regarding temporal loads/stores,
> and not changing/adding APIs for specific CPUs.
> So apologies for late feedback, but this is not of high enough quality to be 
> merged to DPDK right now, NACK.

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