Hi Georg,

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 01:49:30PM +0200, Georg Sauthoff wrote:
> That means a superfluous cast is removed and aliasing through a uint8_t
> pointer is eliminated. Note that uint8_t doesn't have the same
> strict-aliasing properties as unsigned char.

Interesting. Out of curiosity, do you have links that explains

I found these, but these are just discussions:

What about rewording the sentence "uint8_t doesn't have the same
strict-aliasing properties as unsigned char" to clarify that unsigned
char may alias, but uint8_t may not?

> Also simplified the loop since a modern C compiler can speed up (i.e.
> auto-vectorize) it in a similar way. For example, GCC auto-vectorizes it
> for Haswell using AVX registers while halving the number of instructions
> in the generated code.
> Signed-off-by: Georg Sauthoff <m...@gms.tf>

The patch looks good to me, thanks!

Acked-by: Olivier Matz <olivier.m...@6wind.com>

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