On 10/13/2021 7:45 PM, Viacheslav Ovsiienko wrote:
The generic modify field flow action introduced in [1] has
some issues related to the immediate source operand:

   - immediate source can be presented either as an unsigned
     64-bit integer or pointer to data pattern in memory.
     There was no explicit pointer field defined in the union.

   - the byte ordering for 64-bit integer was not specified.
     Many fields have shorter lengths and byte ordering
     is crucial.

   - how the bit offset is applied to the immediate source
     field was not defined and documented.

   - 64-bit integer size is not enough to provide IPv6

In order to cover the issues and exclude any ambiguities
the following is done:

   - introduce the explicit pointer field
     in rte_flow_action_modify_data structure

   - replace the 64-bit unsigned integer with 16-byte array

   - update the modify field flow action documentation

Appropriate deprecation notice has been removed.

[1] commit 73b68f4c54a0 ("ethdev: introduce generic modify flow action")

Fixes: 2ba49b5f3721 ("doc: announce change to ethdev modify action data")

Hi Viacheslav,

The commit in the 'Fixes' line is the commit that announces the deprecation
notice, sure this patch is not fixing it.

I am removing the above 'Fixes' line.

This patch is breaking the ABI and it can't be backported anyway, but
the 'Fixes' line still can be useful for documentation purpose, so if there
is valid fix commits please share them and I can squash them in next-net.

Signed-off-by: Viacheslav Ovsiienko<viachesl...@nvidia.com>
Acked-by: Ori Kam<or...@nvidia.com>
Acked-by: Andrew Rybchenko<andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru>

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