From: Gagandeep Singh <>

This patch supports AUTHENC with raw buufer APIs

Signed-off-by: Gagandeep Singh <>
 drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_raw_dp.c | 128 ++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_raw_dp.c 
index 471c81b9e7..565af6dcba 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_raw_dp.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_raw_dp.c
@@ -31,14 +31,128 @@ build_raw_dp_chain_fd(uint8_t *drv_ctx,
                       void *userdata,
                       struct qbman_fd *fd)
-       RTE_SET_USED(drv_ctx);
-       RTE_SET_USED(sgl);
-       RTE_SET_USED(iv);
-       RTE_SET_USED(digest);
-       RTE_SET_USED(ofs);
-       RTE_SET_USED(userdata);
-       RTE_SET_USED(fd);
+       dpaa2_sec_session *sess =
+               ((struct dpaa2_sec_raw_dp_ctx *)drv_ctx)->session;
+       struct ctxt_priv *priv = sess->ctxt;
+       struct qbman_fle *fle, *sge, *ip_fle, *op_fle;
+       struct sec_flow_context *flc;
+       int data_len = 0, auth_len = 0, cipher_len = 0;
+       unsigned int i = 0;
+       uint16_t auth_hdr_len = ofs.ofs.cipher.head -
+                               ofs.ofs.auth.head;
+       uint16_t auth_tail_len = ofs.ofs.auth.tail;
+       uint32_t auth_only_len = (auth_tail_len << 16) | auth_hdr_len;
+       int icv_len = sess->digest_length;
+       uint8_t *old_icv;
+       uint8_t *iv_ptr = iv->va;
+       for (i = 0; i < sgl->num; i++)
+               data_len += sgl->vec[i].len;
+       cipher_len = data_len - ofs.ofs.cipher.head - ofs.ofs.cipher.tail;
+       auth_len = data_len - ofs.ofs.auth.head - ofs.ofs.auth.tail;
+       /* first FLE entry used to store session ctxt */
+       fle = (struct qbman_fle *)rte_malloc(NULL,
+                       FLE_SG_MEM_SIZE(2 * sgl->num),
+                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (unlikely(!fle)) {
+               DPAA2_SEC_ERR("AUTHENC SG: Memory alloc failed for SGE");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       memset(fle, 0, FLE_SG_MEM_SIZE(2 * sgl->num));
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(fle, (size_t)userdata);
+       DPAA2_FLE_SAVE_CTXT(fle, (ptrdiff_t)priv);
+       op_fle = fle + 1;
+       ip_fle = fle + 2;
+       sge = fle + 3;
+       /* Save the shared descriptor */
+       flc = &priv->flc_desc[0].flc;
+       /* Configure FD as a FRAME LIST */
+       DPAA2_SET_FD_ADDR(fd, DPAA2_VADDR_TO_IOVA(op_fle));
+       DPAA2_SET_FD_FLC(fd, DPAA2_VADDR_TO_IOVA(flc));
+       /* Configure Output FLE with Scatter/Gather Entry */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_SG_EXT(op_fle);
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(op_fle, DPAA2_VADDR_TO_IOVA(sge));
+       if (auth_only_len)
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_INTERNAL_JD(op_fle, auth_only_len);
+       op_fle->length = (sess->dir == DIR_ENC) ?
+                       (cipher_len + icv_len) :
+                       cipher_len;
+       /* Configure Output SGE for Encap/Decap */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(sge, sgl->vec[0].iova);
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_OFFSET(sge, ofs.ofs.auth.head);
+       sge->length = sgl->vec[0].len - ofs.ofs.auth.head;
+       /* o/p segs */
+       for (i = 1; i < sgl->num; i++) {
+               sge++;
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(sge, sgl->vec[i].iova);
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_OFFSET(sge, 0);
+               sge->length = sgl->vec[i].len;
+       }
+       if (sess->dir == DIR_ENC) {
+               sge++;
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(sge,
+                       digest->iova);
+               sge->length = icv_len;
+       }
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_FIN(sge);
+       sge++;
+       /* Configure Input FLE with Scatter/Gather Entry */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(ip_fle, DPAA2_VADDR_TO_IOVA(sge));
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_SG_EXT(ip_fle);
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_FIN(ip_fle);
+       ip_fle->length = (sess->dir == DIR_ENC) ?
+                       (auth_len + sess->iv.length) :
+                       (auth_len + sess->iv.length +
+                       icv_len);
+       /* Configure Input SGE for Encap/Decap */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(sge, DPAA2_VADDR_TO_IOVA(iv_ptr));
+       sge->length = sess->iv.length;
+       sge++;
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(sge, sgl->vec[0].iova);
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_OFFSET(sge, ofs.ofs.auth.head);
+       sge->length = sgl->vec[0].len - ofs.ofs.auth.head;
+       for (i = 1; i < sgl->num; i++) {
+               sge++;
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(sge, sgl->vec[i].iova);
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_OFFSET(sge, 0);
+               sge->length = sgl->vec[i].len;
+       }
+       if (sess->dir == DIR_DEC) {
+               sge++;
+               old_icv = (uint8_t *)(sge + 1);
+               memcpy(old_icv, digest->va,
+                       icv_len);
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_ADDR(sge, DPAA2_VADDR_TO_IOVA(old_icv));
+               sge->length = icv_len;
+       }
+       DPAA2_SET_FLE_FIN(sge);
+       if (auth_only_len) {
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_INTERNAL_JD(ip_fle, auth_only_len);
+               DPAA2_SET_FD_INTERNAL_JD(fd, auth_only_len);
+       }
+       DPAA2_SET_FD_LEN(fd, ip_fle->length);
        return 0;

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