DPDK sched library is equipped with mechanism that secures it from the 
bufferbloat problem
which is a situation when excess buffers in the network cause high latency and 
variation. Currently, it supports RED for active queue management (which is 
to control the queue length but it does not control latency directly and is now 
obsoleted). However, more advanced queue management is required to address this 
and provide desirable quality of service to users.

This solution (RFC) proposes usage of new algorithm called "PIE" (Proportional 
controller Enhanced) that can effectively and directly control queuing latency 
to address 
the bufferbloat problem.

The implementation of mentioned functionality includes modification of existing 
adding a new set of data structures to the library, adding PIE related APIs. 
This affects structures in public API/ABI. That is why deprecation notice is 
to be prepared and sent.

Liguzinski, WojciechX (5):
  sched: add PIE based congestion management
  example/qos_sched: add PIE support
  example/ip_pipeline: add PIE support
  doc/guides/prog_guide: added PIE
  app/test: add tests for PIE

 app/test/autotest_data.py                    |   18 +
 app/test/meson.build                         |    4 +
 app/test/test_pie.c                          | 1065 ++++++++++++++++++
 config/rte_config.h                          |    1 -
 doc/guides/prog_guide/glossary.rst           |    3 +
 doc/guides/prog_guide/qos_framework.rst      |   60 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/traffic_management.rst |   13 +-
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_tm.c     |    6 +-
 examples/ip_pipeline/tmgr.c                  |    6 +-
 examples/qos_sched/app_thread.c              |    1 -
 examples/qos_sched/cfg_file.c                |   82 +-
 examples/qos_sched/init.c                    |    7 +-
 examples/qos_sched/profile.cfg               |  196 ++--
 lib/sched/meson.build                        |   10 +-
 lib/sched/rte_pie.c                          |   86 ++
 lib/sched/rte_pie.h                          |  398 +++++++
 lib/sched/rte_sched.c                        |  228 ++--
 lib/sched/rte_sched.h                        |   53 +-
 lib/sched/version.map                        |    3 +
 19 files changed, 2050 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 app/test/test_pie.c
 create mode 100644 lib/sched/rte_pie.c
 create mode 100644 lib/sched/rte_pie.h


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