From: Nipun Gupta <>

With data input, output and harq also supported in big
endian format, this patch updates the testbbdev application
to handle the endianness conversion as directed by the
the driver being used.

The test vectors assumes the data in the little endian order, and
thus if the driver supports big endian data processing, conversion
from little endian to big is handled by the testbbdev application.

Signed-off-by: Nipun Gupta <>
 app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/guides/tools/testbbdev.rst   |  3 +++
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+)

diff --git a/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c b/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c
index 469597b8b3..05f12463a8 100644
--- a/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c
+++ b/app/test-bbdev/test_bbdev_perf.c
@@ -227,6 +227,45 @@ clear_soft_out_cap(uint32_t *op_flags)
        *op_flags &= ~RTE_BBDEV_TURBO_NEG_LLR_1_BIT_SOFT_OUT;
+/* This API is to convert all the test vector op data entries
+ * to big endian format. It is used when the device supports
+ * the input in the big endian format.
+ */
+static inline void
+       struct op_data_entries *op;
+       enum op_data_type type;
+       uint8_t nb_segs, *rem_data, temp;
+       uint32_t *data, len;
+       int complete, rem, i, j;
+       for (type = DATA_INPUT; type < DATA_NUM_TYPES; ++type) {
+               nb_segs = test_vector.entries[type].nb_segments;
+               op = &test_vector.entries[type];
+               /* Invert byte endianness for all the segments */
+               for (i = 0; i < nb_segs; ++i) {
+                       len = op->segments[i].length;
+                       data = op->segments[i].addr;
+                       /* Swap complete u32 bytes */
+                       complete = len / 4;
+                       for (j = 0; j < complete; j++)
+                               data[j] = rte_bswap32(data[j]);
+                       /* Swap any remaining bytes */
+                       rem = len % 4;
+                       rem_data = (uint8_t *)&data[j];
+                       for (j = 0; j < rem/2; j++) {
+                               temp = rem_data[j];
+                               rem_data[j] = rem_data[rem - j - 1];
+                               rem_data[rem - j - 1] = temp;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
 static int
 check_dev_cap(const struct rte_bbdev_info *dev_info)
@@ -234,6 +273,7 @@ check_dev_cap(const struct rte_bbdev_info *dev_info)
        unsigned int nb_inputs, nb_soft_outputs, nb_hard_outputs,
                nb_harq_inputs, nb_harq_outputs;
        const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap *op_cap = dev_info->drv.capabilities;
+       uint8_t dev_data_endianness = dev_info->drv.data_endianness;
        nb_inputs = test_vector.entries[DATA_INPUT].nb_segments;
        nb_soft_outputs = test_vector.entries[DATA_SOFT_OUTPUT].nb_segments;
@@ -245,6 +285,9 @@ check_dev_cap(const struct rte_bbdev_info *dev_info)
                if (op_cap->type != test_vector.op_type)
+               if (dev_data_endianness == RTE_BBDEV_BIG_ENDIAN)
+                       convert_op_data_to_be();
                if (op_cap->type == RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC) {
                        const struct rte_bbdev_op_cap_turbo_dec *cap =
diff --git a/doc/guides/tools/testbbdev.rst b/doc/guides/tools/testbbdev.rst
index d397d991ff..83a0312062 100644
--- a/doc/guides/tools/testbbdev.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/tools/testbbdev.rst
@@ -332,6 +332,9 @@ Variable op_type has to be defined as a first variable in 
file. It specifies
 what type of operations will be executed. For 4G decoder op_type has to be set 
 ``RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_DEC`` and for 4G encoder to ``RTE_BBDEV_OP_TURBO_ENC``.
+Bbdev-test adjusts the byte endianness based on the PMD capability 
+and all the test vectors input/output data are assumed to be LE by default
 Full details of the meaning and valid values for the below fields are
 documented in *rte_bbdev_op.h*

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