17/08/2021 12:56, Juraj Linkeš:
> Older compilers may not support all arch versions and all features that
> the target SoC supports, in which case it's better to figure out the
> highest arch version and features that the compiler supports. Implement
> a way to achieve this:
> 1. Find the highest arch version that the compiler supports, keeping in
> mind the SoC arch version we're building. For example, if the SoC arch
> version is arm8.2-a, but the compiler only supports arm8.1-a, use
> arm8.1-a. On the other hand, if the compiler supports arm8.3-a (or
> higher), use armv8.2-a.
> 2. With the architecture version locked, iterate over SoC features and
> use all that are supported.
> In all cases, emit a warning if there's something unsupported by the
> compiler.
> Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.lin...@pantheon.tech>

Series applied, thanks.

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