Attendees --------- * Aaron Conole * Bruce Richardson * Ferruh Yigit * Hemant Agrawal * Honnappa Nagarahalli * Jerin Jacob * Kevin Traynor * Konstantin Ananyev * Stephen Hemminger * Thomas Monjalon
Minutes ------- 1. Readout on survey on next-net maintainership * Ferruh provided a summary of results of a survey he carried out with driver maintainers and techboard for feedback on the next-net tree he maintains. * Unfortunately response rate was very low * Key feedback received in survey: * working with patches on mailing list is found to be difficult, with large volumes of mails * submitters found it awkward to have to do patchwork updates manually on sending new patch revisions * request for more user-friendly tooling workflow * Techboard held a discussion on a possible trial of using other tools for development workflow in the future. Largely requires a tree maintainer to volunteer to run such a trial for a release period to investigate how it works and what issues are discovered. 2. ABI/API compatibility and expanded ABI-stability window * Proposal has been sent out to TB and maintainers on increasing the ABI compatibility period to 2 years from 1 year. * Lack of general feedback on this * Work is ongoing to identify and address ABI concerns within DPDK project. Maintainers are asked to help with identifying issues in their own areas of expertise. * Discussion was help on changing to 2-year ABI period immediately for 21.11 or to do so after a review next year. No clear consensus emerged * ACTION: Ferruh/Thomas to send out patch to DPDK mailing list on ABI: * To clarify 2-year proposal specifically * To expand discussion wider to the whole development community. 3. US DPDK Event * the lower than expected attendance numbers was noted * some discussion on selection criteria and avoidance of very vendor-specific content for future events * general hope within TB for in-person events rather than virtual next year! 4. Techboard Membership * Hemant led some initial discussion on latest document draft * ACTION: All-TB-Members, (re)review latest document on Techboard governance.