2015-06-12 15:33, Helin Zhang: > v3 changes: > * Moved the newly added element right after 'uint16_t reta_size', where it > was a padding. So it will not break any ABI compatibility, and no need to > disable it by default. [...] > @@ -918,6 +918,7 @@ struct rte_eth_dev_info { > uint32_t tx_offload_capa; /**< Device TX offload capabilities. */ > uint16_t reta_size; > /**< Device redirection table size, the total number of entries. */ > + uint8_t hash_key_size; /**< Hash key size in bytes */ > /** Bit mask of RSS offloads, the bit offset also means flow type */ > uint64_t flow_type_rss_offloads; > struct rte_eth_rxconf default_rxconf; /**< Default RX configuration */
Neil, what is your opinion? Do you ack that this technique covers every ABI cases?