From: Pavan Nikhilesh <>

Enable VLAN offload in vector Tx burst function.

Signed-off-by: Pavan Nikhilesh <>
 drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.c     |   3 +-
 drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.h     | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx_vec.c |   3 +-
 drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.c      |   3 +-
 drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.h      | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx_vec.c  |   3 +-
 6 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.c b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.c
index 18694dc704..05bc163a40 100644
--- a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.c
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ cn10k_eth_set_tx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev)
        if (dev->scalar_ena ||
            (dev->tx_offload_flags &
-             NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSO_F)))
                pick_tx_func(eth_dev, nix_eth_tx_burst);
                pick_tx_func(eth_dev, nix_eth_tx_vec_burst);
diff --git a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.h b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.h
index 8b1446f25c..1e16978584 100644
--- a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.h
+++ b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx.h
@@ -62,9 +62,14 @@ cn10k_nix_tx_ext_subs(const uint16_t flags)
 static __rte_always_inline uint8_t
 cn10k_nix_pkts_per_vec_brst(const uint16_t flags)
-       RTE_SET_USED(flags);
-       /* We can pack up to 4 packets per LMTLINE if there are no offloads. */
-       return 4 << ROC_LMT_LINES_PER_CORE_LOG2;
+       return ((flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) ? 2 : 4)
+              << ROC_LMT_LINES_PER_CORE_LOG2;
+static __rte_always_inline uint8_t
+cn10k_nix_tx_dwords_per_line(const uint16_t flags)
+       return (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) ? 6 : 8;
 static __rte_always_inline uint64_t
@@ -98,10 +103,9 @@ cn10k_nix_tx_steor_data(const uint16_t flags)
 static __rte_always_inline uint64_t
 cn10k_nix_tx_steor_vec_data(const uint16_t flags)
-       const uint64_t dw_m1 = 0x7;
+       const uint64_t dw_m1 = cn10k_nix_tx_dwords_per_line(flags) - 1;
        uint64_t data;
-       RTE_SET_USED(flags);
        /* This will be moved to addr area */
        data = dw_m1;
        /* 15 vector sizes for single seg */
@@ -690,11 +694,14 @@ cn10k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct 
rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
        uint64x2_t dataoff_iova0, dataoff_iova1, dataoff_iova2, dataoff_iova3;
        uint64x2_t len_olflags0, len_olflags1, len_olflags2, len_olflags3;
-       uint64x2_t cmd0[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP], cmd1[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
+       uint64x2_t cmd0[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP], cmd1[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP],
+               cmd2[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
        uint64_t *mbuf0, *mbuf1, *mbuf2, *mbuf3, data, pa;
        uint64x2_t senddesc01_w0, senddesc23_w0;
        uint64x2_t senddesc01_w1, senddesc23_w1;
        uint16_t left, scalar, burst, i, lmt_id;
+       uint64x2_t sendext01_w0, sendext23_w0;
+       uint64x2_t sendext01_w1, sendext23_w1;
        uint64x2_t sgdesc01_w0, sgdesc23_w0;
        uint64x2_t sgdesc01_w1, sgdesc23_w1;
        struct cn10k_eth_txq *txq = tx_queue;
@@ -720,6 +727,14 @@ cn10k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf 
        sgdesc01_w0 = vld1q_dup_u64(&txq->sg_w0);
        sgdesc23_w0 = sgdesc01_w0;
+       /* Load command defaults into vector variables. */
+       if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+               sendext01_w0 = vld1q_dup_u64(&txq->cmd[0]);
+               sendext23_w0 = sendext01_w0;
+               sendext01_w1 = vdupq_n_u64(12 | 12U << 24);
+               sendext23_w1 = sendext01_w1;
+       }
        /* Get LMT base address and LMT ID as lcore id */
        ROC_LMT_BASE_ID_GET(laddr, lmt_id);
        left = pkts;
@@ -738,6 +753,13 @@ cn10k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf 
                senddesc23_w0 = senddesc01_w0;
                sgdesc23_w0 = sgdesc01_w0;
+               /* Clear vlan enables. */
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+                       sendext01_w1 = vbicq_u64(sendext01_w1,
+                                                vdupq_n_u64(0x3FFFF00FFFF00));
+                       sendext23_w1 = sendext01_w1;
+               }
                /* Move mbufs to iova */
                mbuf0 = (uint64_t *)tx_pkts[0];
                mbuf1 = (uint64_t *)tx_pkts[1];
@@ -1303,6 +1325,52 @@ cn10k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct 
rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
                senddesc01_w0 = vorrq_u64(senddesc01_w0, xmask01);
                senddesc23_w0 = vorrq_u64(senddesc23_w0, xmask23);
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_QINQ_F) {
+                       /* Tx ol_flag for vlan. */
+                       const uint64x2_t olv = {PKT_TX_VLAN, PKT_TX_VLAN};
+                       /* Bit enable for VLAN1 */
+                       const uint64x2_t mlv = {BIT_ULL(49), BIT_ULL(49)};
+                       /* Tx ol_flag for QnQ. */
+                       const uint64x2_t olq = {PKT_TX_QINQ, PKT_TX_QINQ};
+                       /* Bit enable for VLAN0 */
+                       const uint64x2_t mlq = {BIT_ULL(48), BIT_ULL(48)};
+                       /* Load vlan values from packet. outer is VLAN 0 */
+                       uint64x2_t ext01 = {
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[0]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[0]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[1]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[1]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                       };
+                       uint64x2_t ext23 = {
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[2]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[2]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[3]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[3]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                       };
+                       /* Get ol_flags of the packets. */
+                       xtmp128 = vzip1q_u64(len_olflags0, len_olflags1);
+                       ytmp128 = vzip1q_u64(len_olflags2, len_olflags3);
+                       /* ORR vlan outer/inner values into cmd. */
+                       sendext01_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext01_w1, ext01);
+                       sendext23_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext23_w1, ext23);
+                       /* Test for offload enable bits and generate masks. */
+                       xtmp128 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(xtmp128, olv),
+                                                     mlv),
+                                           vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(xtmp128, olq),
+                                                     mlq));
+                       ytmp128 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(ytmp128, olv),
+                                                     mlv),
+                                           vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(ytmp128, olq),
+                                                     mlq));
+                       /* Set vlan enable bits into cmd based on mask. */
+                       sendext01_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext01_w1, xtmp128);
+                       sendext23_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext23_w1, ytmp128);
+               }
                if (flags & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_MBUF_NOFF_F) {
                        /* Set don't free bit if reference count > 1 */
                        xmask01 = vdupq_n_u64(0);
@@ -1381,16 +1449,41 @@ cn10k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct 
rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
                cmd1[2] = vzip1q_u64(sgdesc23_w0, sgdesc23_w1);
                cmd1[3] = vzip2q_u64(sgdesc23_w0, sgdesc23_w1);
-               /* Store the prepared send desc to LMT lines */
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 0), cmd0[0]);
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 16), cmd1[0]);
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 32), cmd0[1]);
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 48), cmd1[1]);
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 64), cmd0[2]);
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 80), cmd1[2]);
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 96), cmd0[3]);
-               vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 112), cmd1[3]);
-               lnum += 1;
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+                       cmd2[0] = vzip1q_u64(sendext01_w0, sendext01_w1);
+                       cmd2[1] = vzip2q_u64(sendext01_w0, sendext01_w1);
+                       cmd2[2] = vzip1q_u64(sendext23_w0, sendext23_w1);
+                       cmd2[3] = vzip2q_u64(sendext23_w0, sendext23_w1);
+               }
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+                       /* Store the prepared send desc to LMT lines */
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 0), cmd0[0]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 16), cmd2[0]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 32), cmd1[0]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 48), cmd0[1]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 64), cmd2[1]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 80), cmd1[1]);
+                       lnum += 1;
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 0), cmd0[2]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 16), cmd2[2]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 32), cmd1[2]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 48), cmd0[3]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 64), cmd2[3]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 80), cmd1[3]);
+                       lnum += 1;
+               } else {
+                       /* Store the prepared send desc to LMT lines */
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 0), cmd0[0]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 16), cmd1[0]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 32), cmd0[1]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 48), cmd1[1]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 64), cmd0[2]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 80), cmd1[2]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 96), cmd0[3]);
+                       vst1q_u64(LMT_OFF(laddr, lnum, 112), cmd1[3]);
+                       lnum += 1;
+               }
                tx_pkts = tx_pkts + NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP;
diff --git a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx_vec.c b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx_vec.c
index 7453f3bc98..beb5c649bb 100644
--- a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx_vec.c
+++ b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn10k_tx_vec.c
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
                uint64_t cmd[sz];                                              \
                /* VLAN, TSTMP, TSO is not supported by vec */                 \
-               if ((flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_QINQ_F ||                    \
-                   (flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSTAMP_F ||                       \
+               if ((flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSTAMP_F ||                       \
                    (flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSO_F)                            \
                        return 0;                                              \
                return cn10k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(tx_queue, tx_pkts, pkts, cmd,\
diff --git a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.c b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.c
index b802606075..4b43cdaff9 100644
--- a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.c
@@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ cn9k_eth_set_tx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev)
        if (dev->scalar_ena ||
            (dev->tx_offload_flags &
-             NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSO_F)))
                pick_tx_func(eth_dev, nix_eth_tx_burst);
                pick_tx_func(eth_dev, nix_eth_tx_vec_burst);
diff --git a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.h b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.h
index 1899d6670f..d5715bb52d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.h
+++ b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx.h
@@ -552,10 +552,13 @@ cn9k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf 
        uint64x2_t dataoff_iova0, dataoff_iova1, dataoff_iova2, dataoff_iova3;
        uint64x2_t len_olflags0, len_olflags1, len_olflags2, len_olflags3;
-       uint64x2_t cmd0[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP], cmd1[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
+       uint64x2_t cmd0[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP], cmd1[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP],
+               cmd2[NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
        uint64_t *mbuf0, *mbuf1, *mbuf2, *mbuf3;
        uint64x2_t senddesc01_w0, senddesc23_w0;
        uint64x2_t senddesc01_w1, senddesc23_w1;
+       uint64x2_t sendext01_w0, sendext23_w0;
+       uint64x2_t sendext01_w1, sendext23_w1;
        uint64x2_t sgdesc01_w0, sgdesc23_w0;
        uint64x2_t sgdesc01_w1, sgdesc23_w1;
        struct cn9k_eth_txq *txq = tx_queue;
@@ -585,8 +588,19 @@ cn9k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf 
        senddesc23_w0 = senddesc01_w0;
        senddesc01_w1 = vdupq_n_u64(0);
        senddesc23_w1 = senddesc01_w1;
-       sgdesc01_w0 = vld1q_dup_u64(&txq->cmd[2]);
-       sgdesc23_w0 = sgdesc01_w0;
+       /* Load command defaults into vector variables. */
+       if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+               sendext01_w0 = vld1q_dup_u64(&txq->cmd[2]);
+               sendext23_w0 = sendext01_w0;
+               sendext01_w1 = vdupq_n_u64(12 | 12U << 24);
+               sendext23_w1 = sendext01_w1;
+               sgdesc01_w0 = vld1q_dup_u64(&txq->cmd[4]);
+               sgdesc23_w0 = sgdesc01_w0;
+       } else {
+               sgdesc01_w0 = vld1q_dup_u64(&txq->cmd[2]);
+               sgdesc23_w0 = sgdesc01_w0;
+       }
        for (i = 0; i < pkts; i += NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP) {
                /* Clear lower 32bit of SEND_HDR_W0 and SEND_SG_W0 */
@@ -597,6 +611,13 @@ cn9k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf 
                senddesc23_w0 = senddesc01_w0;
                sgdesc23_w0 = sgdesc01_w0;
+               /* Clear vlan enables. */
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+                       sendext01_w1 = vbicq_u64(sendext01_w1,
+                                                vdupq_n_u64(0x3FFFF00FFFF00));
+                       sendext23_w1 = sendext01_w1;
+               }
                /* Move mbufs to iova */
                mbuf0 = (uint64_t *)tx_pkts[0];
                mbuf1 = (uint64_t *)tx_pkts[1];
@@ -1162,6 +1183,52 @@ cn9k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct 
rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
                senddesc01_w0 = vorrq_u64(senddesc01_w0, xmask01);
                senddesc23_w0 = vorrq_u64(senddesc23_w0, xmask23);
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_QINQ_F) {
+                       /* Tx ol_flag for vlan. */
+                       const uint64x2_t olv = {PKT_TX_VLAN, PKT_TX_VLAN};
+                       /* Bit enable for VLAN1 */
+                       const uint64x2_t mlv = {BIT_ULL(49), BIT_ULL(49)};
+                       /* Tx ol_flag for QnQ. */
+                       const uint64x2_t olq = {PKT_TX_QINQ, PKT_TX_QINQ};
+                       /* Bit enable for VLAN0 */
+                       const uint64x2_t mlq = {BIT_ULL(48), BIT_ULL(48)};
+                       /* Load vlan values from packet. outer is VLAN 0 */
+                       uint64x2_t ext01 = {
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[0]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[0]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[1]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[1]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                       };
+                       uint64x2_t ext23 = {
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[2]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[2]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                               ((uint32_t)tx_pkts[3]->vlan_tci_outer) << 8 |
+                                       ((uint64_t)tx_pkts[3]->vlan_tci) << 32,
+                       };
+                       /* Get ol_flags of the packets. */
+                       xtmp128 = vzip1q_u64(len_olflags0, len_olflags1);
+                       ytmp128 = vzip1q_u64(len_olflags2, len_olflags3);
+                       /* ORR vlan outer/inner values into cmd. */
+                       sendext01_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext01_w1, ext01);
+                       sendext23_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext23_w1, ext23);
+                       /* Test for offload enable bits and generate masks. */
+                       xtmp128 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(xtmp128, olv),
+                                                     mlv),
+                                           vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(xtmp128, olq),
+                                                     mlq));
+                       ytmp128 = vorrq_u64(vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(ytmp128, olv),
+                                                     mlv),
+                                           vandq_u64(vtstq_u64(ytmp128, olq),
+                                                     mlq));
+                       /* Set vlan enable bits into cmd based on mask. */
+                       sendext01_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext01_w1, xtmp128);
+                       sendext23_w1 = vorrq_u64(sendext23_w1, ytmp128);
+               }
                if (flags & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_MBUF_NOFF_F) {
                        /* Set don't free bit if reference count > 1 */
                        xmask01 = vdupq_n_u64(0);
@@ -1247,17 +1314,50 @@ cn9k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(void *tx_queue, struct 
rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
                cmd1[2] = vzip1q_u64(sgdesc23_w0, sgdesc23_w1);
                cmd1[3] = vzip2q_u64(sgdesc23_w0, sgdesc23_w1);
-               do {
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr, cmd0[0]);
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 2, cmd1[0]);
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 4, cmd0[1]);
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 6, cmd1[1]);
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 8, cmd0[2]);
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 10, cmd1[2]);
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 12, cmd0[3]);
-                       vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 14, cmd1[3]);
-                       lmt_status = roc_lmt_submit_ldeor(io_addr);
-               } while (lmt_status == 0);
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+                       cmd2[0] = vzip1q_u64(sendext01_w0, sendext01_w1);
+                       cmd2[1] = vzip2q_u64(sendext01_w0, sendext01_w1);
+                       cmd2[2] = vzip1q_u64(sendext23_w0, sendext23_w1);
+                       cmd2[3] = vzip2q_u64(sendext23_w0, sendext23_w1);
+               }
+               if (flags & NIX_TX_NEED_EXT_HDR) {
+                       /* With ext header in the command we can no longer send
+                        * all 4 packets together since LMTLINE is 128bytes.
+                        * Split and Tx twice.
+                        */
+                       do {
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr, cmd0[0]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 2, cmd2[0]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 4, cmd1[0]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 6, cmd0[1]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 8, cmd2[1]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 10, cmd1[1]);
+                               lmt_status = roc_lmt_submit_ldeor(io_addr);
+                       } while (lmt_status == 0);
+                       do {
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr, cmd0[2]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 2, cmd2[2]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 4, cmd1[2]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 6, cmd0[3]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 8, cmd2[3]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 10, cmd1[3]);
+                               lmt_status = roc_lmt_submit_ldeor(io_addr);
+                       } while (lmt_status == 0);
+               } else {
+                       do {
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr, cmd0[0]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 2, cmd1[0]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 4, cmd0[1]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 6, cmd1[1]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 8, cmd0[2]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 10, cmd1[2]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 12, cmd0[3]);
+                               vst1q_u64(lmt_addr + 14, cmd1[3]);
+                               lmt_status = roc_lmt_submit_ldeor(io_addr);
+                       } while (lmt_status == 0);
+               }
                tx_pkts = tx_pkts + NIX_DESCS_PER_LOOP;
diff --git a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx_vec.c b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx_vec.c
index a6e7c9e542..5842facb58 100644
--- a/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx_vec.c
+++ b/drivers/net/cnxk/cn9k_tx_vec.c
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
                uint64_t cmd[sz];                                              \
                /* VLAN, TSTMP, TSO is not supported by vec */                 \
-               if ((flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_QINQ_F ||                    \
-                   (flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSTAMP_F ||                       \
+               if ((flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSTAMP_F ||                       \
                    (flags) & NIX_TX_OFFLOAD_TSO_F)                            \
                        return 0;                                              \
                return cn9k_nix_xmit_pkts_vector(tx_queue, tx_pkts, pkts, cmd, \

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