Sample vhost leverage the VMDq+RSS in HW to receive packets and distribute them
into different queue in the pool according to 5 tuples.

And enable multiple queues mode in vhost/virtio layer.

HW queue numbers in pool exactly same with the queue number in virtio device,
e.g. rxq = 4, the queue number is 4, it means 4 HW queues in each VMDq pool,
and 4 queues in each virtio device/port, one maps to each.

==================|   |==================|
       vport0     |   |      vport1      |
---  ---  ---  ---|   |---  ---  ---  ---|
q0 | q1 | q2 | q3 |   |q0 | q1 | q2 | q3 |
/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=|   |/\= =/\= =/\= =/\=|
||   ||   ||   ||      ||   ||   ||   ||
||   ||   ||   ||      ||   ||   ||   ||
||= =||= =||= =||=|   =||== ||== ||== ||=|
q0 | q1 | q2 | q3 |   |q0 | q1 | q2 | q3 |

------------------|   |------------------|
     VMDq pool0   |   |    VMDq pool1    |
==================|   |==================|

In RX side, it firstly polls each queue of the pool and gets the packets from
it and enqueue them into its corresponding queue in virtio device/port.
In TX side, it dequeue packets from each queue of virtio device/port and send
to either physical port or another virtio device according to its destination
MAC address.

Changes in v2:
  - check queue num per pool in VMDq and queue pair number per vhost device
  - remove the unnecessary calling q_num_set api
  - fix checkpatch errors

Signed-off-by: Changchun Ouyang <changchun.ouyang at>
 examples/vhost/main.c | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/vhost/main.c b/examples/vhost/main.c
index cd9640e..d40cb11 100644
--- a/examples/vhost/main.c
+++ b/examples/vhost/main.c
@@ -1001,8 +1001,9 @@ link_vmdq(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf *m)

        /* Enable stripping of the vlan tag as we handle routing. */
        if (vlan_strip)
-               rte_eth_dev_set_vlan_strip_on_queue(ports[0],
-                       (uint16_t)vdev->vmdq_rx_q, 1);
+               for (i = 0; i < (int)rxq; i++)
+                       rte_eth_dev_set_vlan_strip_on_queue(ports[0],
+                               (uint16_t)(vdev->vmdq_rx_q + i), 1);

        /* Set device as ready for RX. */
        vdev->ready = DEVICE_RX;
@@ -1017,7 +1018,7 @@ link_vmdq(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf *m)
 static inline void
 unlink_vmdq(struct vhost_dev *vdev)
-       unsigned i = 0;
+       unsigned i = 0, j = 0;
        unsigned rx_count;
        struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST];

@@ -1030,15 +1031,19 @@ unlink_vmdq(struct vhost_dev *vdev)
                vdev->vlan_tag = 0;

                /*Clear out the receive buffers*/
-               rx_count = rte_eth_rx_burst(ports[0],
-                                       (uint16_t)vdev->vmdq_rx_q, pkts_burst, 
+               for (i = 0; i < rxq; i++) {
+                       rx_count = rte_eth_rx_burst(ports[0],
+                                       (uint16_t)vdev->vmdq_rx_q + i,
+                                       pkts_burst, MAX_PKT_BURST);

-               while (rx_count) {
-                       for (i = 0; i < rx_count; i++)
-                               rte_pktmbuf_free(pkts_burst[i]);
+                       while (rx_count) {
+                               for (j = 0; j < rx_count; j++)
+                                       rte_pktmbuf_free(pkts_burst[j]);

-                       rx_count = rte_eth_rx_burst(ports[0],
-                                       (uint16_t)vdev->vmdq_rx_q, pkts_burst, 
+                               rx_count = rte_eth_rx_burst(ports[0],
+                                       (uint16_t)vdev->vmdq_rx_q + i,
+                                       pkts_burst, MAX_PKT_BURST);
+                       }

                vdev->ready = DEVICE_MAC_LEARNING;
@@ -1050,7 +1055,7 @@ unlink_vmdq(struct vhost_dev *vdev)
  * the packet on that devices RX queue. If not then return.
 static inline int __attribute__((always_inline))
-virtio_tx_local(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf *m)
+virtio_tx_local(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf *m, uint32_t q_idx)
        struct virtio_net_data_ll *dev_ll;
        struct ether_hdr *pkt_hdr;
@@ -1065,7 +1070,7 @@ virtio_tx_local(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf 

        while (dev_ll != NULL) {
                if ((dev_ll->vdev->ready == DEVICE_RX) && 
-                                         &dev_ll->vdev->mac_address)) {
+                                       &dev_ll->vdev->mac_address)) {

                        /* Drop the packet if the TX packet is destined for the 
TX device. */
                        if (dev_ll->vdev->dev->device_fh == dev->device_fh) {
@@ -1083,7 +1088,9 @@ virtio_tx_local(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf 
                                LOG_DEBUG(VHOST_DATA, "(%"PRIu64") Device is 
marked for removal\n", tdev->device_fh);
                        } else {
                                /*send the packet to the local virtio device*/
-                               ret = rte_vhost_enqueue_burst(tdev, VIRTIO_RXQ, 
&m, 1);
+                               ret = rte_vhost_enqueue_burst(tdev,
+                                       VIRTIO_RXQ + q_idx * VIRTIO_QNUM,
+                                       &m, 1);
                                if (enable_stats) {
@@ -1160,7 +1167,8 @@ find_local_dest(struct virtio_net *dev, struct rte_mbuf 
  * or the physical port.
 static inline void __attribute__((always_inline))
-virtio_tx_route(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf *m, uint16_t vlan_tag)
+virtio_tx_route(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf *m,
+               uint16_t vlan_tag, uint32_t q_idx)
        struct mbuf_table *tx_q;
        struct rte_mbuf **m_table;
@@ -1170,7 +1178,8 @@ virtio_tx_route(struct vhost_dev *vdev, struct rte_mbuf 
*m, uint16_t vlan_tag)
        struct ether_hdr *nh;

        /*check if destination is local VM*/
-       if ((vm2vm_mode == VM2VM_SOFTWARE) && (virtio_tx_local(vdev, m) == 0)) {
+       if ((vm2vm_mode == VM2VM_SOFTWARE) &&
+               (virtio_tx_local(vdev, m, q_idx) == 0)) {
@@ -1334,49 +1343,60 @@ switch_worker(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg)
                        if (likely(vdev->ready == DEVICE_RX)) {
                                /*Handle guest RX*/
-                               rx_count = rte_eth_rx_burst(ports[0],
-                                       vdev->vmdq_rx_q, pkts_burst, 
+                               for (i = 0; i < rxq; i++) {
+                                       rx_count = rte_eth_rx_burst(ports[0],
+                                               vdev->vmdq_rx_q + i, 
pkts_burst, MAX_PKT_BURST);

-                               if (rx_count) {
-                                       /*
-                                       * Retry is enabled and the queue is 
full then we wait and retry to avoid packet loss
-                                       * Here MAX_PKT_BURST must be less than 
virtio queue size
-                                       */
-                                       if (enable_retry && unlikely(rx_count > 
rte_vring_available_entries(dev, VIRTIO_RXQ))) {
-                                               for (retry = 0; retry < 
burst_rx_retry_num; retry++) {
-                                                       if (rx_count <= 
rte_vring_available_entries(dev, VIRTIO_RXQ))
-                                                               break;
+                                       if (rx_count) {
+                                               /*
+                                               * Retry is enabled and the 
queue is full then we wait and retry to avoid packet loss
+                                               * Here MAX_PKT_BURST must be 
less than virtio queue size
+                                               */
+                                               if (enable_retry && 
unlikely(rx_count > rte_vring_available_entries(dev,
        VIRTIO_RXQ + i * VIRTIO_QNUM))) {
+                                                       for (retry = 0; retry < 
burst_rx_retry_num; retry++) {
+                                                               if (rx_count <= 
        VIRTIO_RXQ + i * VIRTIO_QNUM))
+                                                                       break;
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                               ret_count = 
rte_vhost_enqueue_burst(dev, VIRTIO_RXQ + i * VIRTIO_QNUM,
        pkts_burst, rx_count);
+                                               if (enable_stats) {
+                                                       rte_atomic64_add(
+                                                       rx_count);
+                                                       rte_atomic64_add(
&dev_statistics[dev_ll->vdev->dev->device_fh].rx_atomic, ret_count);
+                                               }
+                                               while (likely(rx_count)) {
+                                                       rx_count--;
-                                       ret_count = 
rte_vhost_enqueue_burst(dev, VIRTIO_RXQ, pkts_burst, rx_count);
-                                       if (enable_stats) {
-                                               rte_atomic64_add(
-                                               rx_count);
-                                               rte_atomic64_add(
&dev_statistics[dev_ll->vdev->dev->device_fh].rx_atomic, ret_count);
-                                       }
-                                       while (likely(rx_count)) {
-                                               rx_count--;
-                                       }

                        if (likely(!vdev->remove)) {
                                /* Handle guest TX*/
-                               tx_count = rte_vhost_dequeue_burst(dev, 
VIRTIO_TXQ, mbuf_pool, pkts_burst, MAX_PKT_BURST);
-                               /* If this is the first received packet we need 
to learn the MAC and setup VMDQ */
-                               if (unlikely(vdev->ready == 
DEVICE_MAC_LEARNING) && tx_count) {
-                                       if (vdev->remove || (link_vmdq(vdev, 
pkts_burst[0]) == -1)) {
-                                               while (tx_count)
+                               for (i = 0; i < rxq; i++) {
+                                       tx_count = rte_vhost_dequeue_burst(dev, 
VIRTIO_TXQ + i * 2,
+                                                       mbuf_pool, pkts_burst, 
+                                       /*
+                                        * If this is the first received packet 
we need to learn
+                                        * the MAC and setup VMDQ
+                                        */
+                                       if (unlikely(vdev->ready == 
DEVICE_MAC_LEARNING) && tx_count) {
+                                               if (vdev->remove || 
(link_vmdq(vdev, pkts_burst[0]) == -1)) {
+                                                       while (tx_count)
+                                               }
+                                       while (tx_count)
+                                               virtio_tx_route(vdev, 
(uint16_t)dev->device_fh, i);
-                               while (tx_count)
-                                       virtio_tx_route(vdev, 
pkts_burst[--tx_count], (uint16_t)dev->device_fh);

                        /*move to the next device in the list*/
@@ -2635,6 +2655,13 @@ new_device (struct virtio_net *dev)
        struct vhost_dev *vdev;
        uint32_t regionidx;

+       if ((rxq > 1) && (dev->num_virt_queues != rxq)) {
+               RTE_LOG(ERR, VHOST_DATA, "(%"PRIu64") queue num in VMDq pool:"
+                       "%d != queue pair num in vhost dev:%d\n",
+                       dev->device_fh, rxq, dev->num_virt_queues);
+               return -1;
+       }
        vdev = rte_zmalloc("vhost device", sizeof(*vdev), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
        if (vdev == NULL) {
                RTE_LOG(INFO, VHOST_DATA, "(%"PRIu64") Couldn't allocate memory 
for vhost dev\n",
@@ -2680,12 +2707,12 @@ new_device (struct virtio_net *dev)

        /* Add device to main ll */
        ll_dev = get_data_ll_free_entry(&ll_root_free);
        if (ll_dev == NULL) {
-               RTE_LOG(INFO, VHOST_DATA, "(%"PRIu64") No free entry found in 
linked list. Device limit "
-                       "of %d devices per core has been reached\n",
+               RTE_LOG(INFO, VHOST_DATA,
+                       "(%"PRIu64") No free entry found in linked list."
+                       "Device limit of %d devices per core has been 
                        dev->device_fh, num_devices);
                if (vdev->regions_hpa)
@@ -2694,8 +2721,7 @@ new_device (struct virtio_net *dev)
        ll_dev->vdev = vdev;
        add_data_ll_entry(&ll_root_used, ll_dev);
-       vdev->vmdq_rx_q
-               = dev->device_fh * queues_per_pool + vmdq_queue_base;
+       vdev->vmdq_rx_q = dev->device_fh * rxq + vmdq_queue_base;

        if (zero_copy) {
                uint32_t index = vdev->vmdq_rx_q;

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