On 6/4/21 3:46 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 04/06/2021 13:09, Jerin Jacob:
>> On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 3:58 PM Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote:
>>> 03/06/2021 11:33, Ferruh Yigit:
>>>> On 6/3/2021 8:47 AM, Jerin Jacob wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 2:05 AM Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> +  [gpudev]             (@ref rte_gpudev.h),
>>>>> Since this device does not have a queue etc? Shouldn't make it a
>>>>> library like mempool with vendor-defined ops?
>>>> +1
>>>> Current RFC announces additional memory allocation capabilities, which can 
>>>> suits
>>>> better as extension to existing memory related library instead of a new 
>>>> device
>>>> abstraction library.
>>> It is not replacing mempool.
>>> It is more at the same level as EAL memory management:
>>> allocate simple buffer, but with the exception it is done
>>> on a specific device, so it requires a device ID.
>>> The other reason it needs to be a full library is that
>>> it will start a workload on the GPU and get completion notification
>>> so we can integrate the GPU workload in a packet processing pipeline.
>> I might have confused you. My intention is not to make to fit under mempool 
>> API.
>> I agree that we need a separate library for this. My objection is only
>> to not call libgpudev and
>> call it libgpu. And have APIs with rte_gpu_ instead of rte_gpu_dev as
>> it not like existing "device libraries" in DPDK and
>> it like other "libraries" in DPDK.
> I think we should define a queue of processing actions,
> so it looks like other device libraries.
> And anyway I think a library managing a device class,
> and having some device drivers deserves the name of device library.
> I would like to read more opinions.

Since the library is an unified interface to GPU device drivers
I think it should be named as in the patch - gpudev.

Mempool looks like an exception here - initially it was pure SW
library, but not there are HW backends and corresponding device

What I don't understand where is GPU specifics here?
I.e. why GPU? NIC can have own memory and provide
corresponding API.

What's the difference of "the memory on the CPU that is visible from the
GPU" from existing memzones which are DMA mapped?

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