04/06/2021 13:07, Wang, Haiyue:
> > From: Elena Agostini <eagost...@nvidia.com>
> > +typedef int (*gpu_malloc_t)(struct rte_gpu_dev *dev, size_t size, void 
> > **ptr);
> > +typedef int (*gpu_free_t)(struct rte_gpu_dev *dev, void *ptr);
> > +
> > +   /* FUNCTION: Allocate memory on the GPU. */
> > +   gpu_malloc_t gpu_malloc;
> > +   /* FUNCTION: Allocate memory on the CPU visible from the GPU. */
> > +   gpu_malloc_t gpu_malloc_visible;
> > +   /* FUNCTION: Free allocated memory on the GPU. */
> > +   gpu_free_t gpu_free;
> I'm wondering that we can define the malloc type as:
> typedef int (*gpu_malloc_t)(struct rte_gpu_dev *dev, size_t size, void **ptr,
>                                       unsigned int flags)
> #define RTE_GPU_MALLOC_F_CPU_VISIBLE 0x01u --> gpu_malloc_visible
> Then only one malloc function member is needed, paired with 'gpu_free'.
> > +int rte_gpu_malloc(uint16_t gpu_id, size_t size, void **ptr);
> > +int rte_gpu_malloc_visible(uint16_t gpu_id, size_t size, void **ptr);
> Then 'rte_gpu_malloc_visible' is no needed, and the new call is:
> rte_gpu_malloc(uint16_t gpu_id, size_t size, void **ptr, 
> Also, we can define more flags for feature extension. ;-)

Yes it is a good idea.

Another question is about the function rte_gpu_free().
How do we recognize that a memory chunk is from the CPU and GPU visible,
or just from GPU?

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