Attendees: Aaron Conole
Honnappa Nagarahalli Thomas Monjalon Lijuan Tu Juraj Linkes Lincoln Lavoie The meeting announcements are sent to<>. Minutes: Review action items from 5/12/2021 1) fm10K test cases can be removed. Intel DTS team will have a patch to remove them. 2) We need to provide time to the community to get feedback before making it mandatory. The tentative timeline end of 21.08 - release to developers and receive feedback till 21.11. Need time to fix any issues reported by developers. Make it mandatory after fixing the issues (time line will be decided depending on the issues) 3) Create a dts-next branch to start working on the issues we are identifying in this work group 4) In the future DTS will have a branch/tag for every DPDK release. Backporting rules will be the same as the ones followed for DPDK. 5) The work item related discussions are captured in [1] Action items: Honnappa - Validate test-pmd to make sure the mac-fwd printf statement output is available in 'show fwd stats' Lijuan Tu - dts-next branch already exists. Merge the master to dts-next. Juraj - 1) Create a list of test cases using sed scripts. Need to identify the work items from this list. 2) Create a ticket in DTS Bugzilla to fix the IAVF enablement in the framework. Thomas - Request LF to add a link on DTS bugs in the DTS links under hosted projects [1]