在 2021/5/12 15:03, David Hunt 写道:
On 12/5/2021 3:19 AM, Min Hu (Connor) wrote:
From: HongBo Zheng <zhenghong...@huawei.com>
In function power_guest_channel_read_msg, 'lcore_id' is used before
validity check, which may cause buffer 'global_fds' accessed by index
'lcore_id' overflow.
This patch moves the validity check of 'lcore_id' before the 'lcore_id'
being used for the first time.
Fixes: 9dc843eb273b ("power: extend guest channel API for reading")
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
Signed-off-by: HongBo Zheng <zhenghong...@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: Min Hu (Connor) <humi...@huawei.com>
* "global_fds[lcore_id]" check may move before the line
"fds.fd = global_fds[lcore_id].
Hi Connor,
Just for future reference, it is common to include tags from previous
version of a patch set unless there's major changes. So it would have
been good to include Reshma's "Reviewed-by" tag in v2.
Acked-by: David Hunt <david.h...@intel.com>
Thanks David, got it.