Hello, I plan to send out the MoM for the DTS workgroup meetings. Please feel free to add or correct anything that I might have missed. The minutes will be short as most of the discussion is being captured in the google doc [1].
Thank you, Honnappa Attendees: Aaron Conole Daniel Martin Buckley Honnappa Nagarahalli Jerin Jacob Juraj Linkes Lijuan Tu Lincoln Lavoie Thomas Monjalon Zhaoyan Chen The meeting announcements are sent to dev@dpdk.org. Minutes: 1) The goal is to debate and triage the current list of items into 2 categories a) Must-have: Items that need to be resolved before DTS test case addition is made mandatory b) Good-to-have: Items that can be resolved on an on-going basis 2) Along with the triaging, an estimation of the effort is required to arrive at timelines 3) Action Item: Juraj Linkes - Understand and discuss the patches that DTS applies on DPDK in the next call. 4) The work item related discussions are captured in [1] [1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c5S0_mZzFvzZfYkqyORLT2-qNvUb-fBdjA6DGusy4yM/edit?usp=sharing