Minutes of Technical Board Meeting, 2021-04-07
Members Attending ----------------- -Bruce -Ferruh -Hemant -Honnappa -Jerin -Konstantin -Maxime -Olivier -Stephen -Thomas NOTE: The technical board meetings every second Wednesday at https://meet.jit.si/DPDK at 3 pm UTC. Meetings are public, and DPDK community members are welcome to attend. NOTE: Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2021-04-21 @3pm UTC, and will be chaired by Konstantin. 1) Linux Foundation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Technical board to request the Linux Foundation to provide a backup solution for the dpdk.org infrastructure * AI: Hemant to bring the request at the next governing board 2) Security team extension ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * We have 3 outstanding vulnerabilities in the queue * Security team members don't have enough time to handle them, and needs some help * Cheng Jiang from Intel, who has experience in contributing to the Vhost library, volunteers to join the team * The technical board voted for Cheng Jiang to join the team, and welcomes him in his new role 3) Experimental APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Lots of internal APIs are being exported in the different libraries * AI to the trees maintainers to reduce what is being exported. 4) Testing Leader's role documentation update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Aaron is working on it * AI Aaron to send the patches the w...@dpdk.org mailing list 5) DTS usability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Honnappa found someone at ARM to review DTS, with the goal of analyzing whether it is easy to use DTS for new features * Feedback is being captured in document [0]. * First meeting on 2021-04-28 at 1PM UTC at https://meet.jit.si/DPDK 5) KNI status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * KNI is moving to a dedicated repository with the goal of eventually deprecate it. * Some people are still using it though, so alternatives are needed * Virtio-user PMD is mentionned as an alternative for the exceptionnal datapath, with reported performance being on par with KNI but without any OoT drivers * AI Ferruh to update the KNI documentation to mention it is going to be deprecated and that its use is not recommended. Also to add a link there to the "Virtio-user as exceptionnal datapath" guide [0]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c5S0_mZzFvzZfYkqyORLT2-qNvUb-fBdjA6DGusy4yM/edit#