Release status meeting minutes {Date}
:Date: 29 April 2021

* Release Dates
* -rc1 status
* Subtrees
* Defects

* Broadcom
* Intel
* Marvell
* Nvidia
* Red Hat

Release Dates

* `v21.05` dates
  - -rc2:           Wednesday, 5 May
  - -rc3:           Wednesday, 12 May
  - Release pushed to *Friday, 21 May*

* 1-5 May is Labor Day holiday in PRC.

* `v21.08` draft dates, please comment:
  - Proposal/V1:    Wednesday, 2 June
  - -rc1:           Wednesday, 7 July
  - Release:        Friday, 6 August

* Expecting a small `v21.08` release.

rc1 status

* Intel shared the -rc1 test results
  - No critical or blocking issue
  - Some Bugzilla defects submitted
  - Konstantin reported an IPsec issue, in ipsec-secgw
    ** Investigation is going on, will submit a Bugzilla defect when ready


* main
  - Quite this week, not much update
  - There is a doc patch to include code in documentation
    ** Waiting for more review/ack to merge
       *** Intel is planning a rework on existing documentation for this
  - meson syntax update patch merged
    ** There is another series from Bruce with a script to check the syntax

* next-net
  - Some fixes already merged, ~60 patches in backlog
  - Fixes in the backlog, looks OK for -rc2
  - Pulled from vendor sub-trees yesterday

* next-crypto
  - No update

* next-eventdev
  - CNXK eventdev driver for -rc2, may get a new version
  - For dlb2, techboard made a decision
    ** Waiting for new version

* next-virtio
  - Chenbo sent pull request yesterday
  - During PRC holiday Maxime will take care of the tree
  - Maxime will review patches next week

* next-net-brcm
  - A couple of patches merged, a few to follow, nothing big for release

* next-net-intel
  - No update

* next-net-mlx
  - Merged some patches, ~30 left in backlog
  - May get one more new series, but that won't be big

* next-net-mrvl
  - CNXK net driver planned for -rc2
    ** It may be postponed to next release
    ** Since driver will go via next-net, Ferruh will try to review


* `v19.11` (next version is `v19.11.9`)
  - Not much update at this stage

* `v20.11` (next version is `v20.11.2`)
  - Not much update at this stage


* Ajit continues to follow/manage the Bugzilla
  - Bugs are under control, some new ones assigned to owners
  - Some regressions reported
  - Some fix patches sent for gcc11 errors
    ** Kevin not verified them yet
    ** Both Fedora 34 and gcc11 are released, better to support them
       *** We can take gcc11 build issues as soft-blocker for the release

.DPDK Release Status Meetings
The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the
status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track
progress or milestone dates.

The meeting occurs on every Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. on

If you wish to attend just send an email to
"John McNamara <>" for the invite.

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