Hello Ruifeng,

On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 7:57 AM Ruifeng Wang <ruifeng.w...@arm.com> wrote:
> The rte_wait_until_equal_xxx APIs abstract the functionality of 'polling
> for a memory location to become equal to a given value'[1].
> Use the API for the rte spinlock and ring implementations.
> With the wait until equal APIs being stable, changes will not impact ABI.

Afaics, there is no ARM target with WFE enabled and we lost ability to
enable WFE support with removal of the make build system.

$ git grep RTE_ARM_USE_WFE
config/arm/meson.build:        ['RTE_ARM_USE_WFE', false],
lib/eal/arm/include/rte_pause_64.h:#ifdef RTE_ARM_USE_WFE

How did you enable WFE to test this series?

David Marchand

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