在 2021/4/20 8:59, Thomas Monjalon 写道:
08/04/2021 12:14, Min Hu (Connor):
From: Huisong Li <lihuis...@huawei.com>

Currently, ethtool directly ends the process after 'quit' cmd. In this
case, software resources are not released and hardware resources of the
device are not uninstalled.

This patch adds closing port operation to release resources.

Fixes: bda68ab9d1e7 ("examples/ethtool: add user-space ethtool sample 
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org

Signed-off-by: Huisong Li <lihuis...@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: Min Hu (Connor) <humi...@huawei.com>
--- a/examples/ethtool/ethtool-app/main.c
+++ b/examples/ethtool/ethtool-app/main.c
+static void close_ports(void)
+       uint16_t portid;
+       int ret;
+       for (portid = 0; portid < app_cfg.cnt_ports; portid++) {
+               printf("Closing port %d...", portid);
+               ret = rte_eth_dev_stop(portid);
+               if (ret != 0)
+                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_dev_stop: err=%s, 
+                                strerror(-ret), portid);
+               rte_eth_dev_close(portid);
+               printf(" Done\n");
+       }
+       ret = rte_eal_cleanup();
+       if (ret != 0)
+               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "EAL cleanup failed: %s\n",
+                        strerror(-ret));

It would be better to add EAL cleanup in the main function.

Hi, Thomas,
        It has already been done in this patch: "examples: add eal
cleanup to examples", please check it out, thanks.


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