On 4/12/2021 2:54 PM, David Marchand wrote:
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 3:35 PM Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com> wrote:

On 4/12/2021 2:06 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
12/04/2021 14:59, Ferruh Yigit:
On 4/12/2021 12:25 PM, Raslan Darawsheh wrote:

From: Tal Shnaiderman <tal...@nvidia.com>

Removed __ from the commit title to fix wrong headline format issue.

Several functions introduced in the addition of the Windows support to
mlx5 were missing the __rte_internal tag although being exported.

Fixes: 1552fb287166 ("common/mlx5: add alloc/dealloc PD on Windows")
Fixes: 1969ee424405 ("common/mlx5: add UMEM reg/dereg functions on
Fixes: ba420719823c ("common/mlx5: add reg/dereg MR on Windows")
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org

Signed-off-by: Tal Shnaiderman <tal...@nvidia.com>

Patch applied to next-net-mlx,

Can we merge this directly to main repo?
Since debug build is broken without it.

Which debug option?
It is broken since when?

"meson --buildtype=debug build && ninja -C build" is broken [1], I thought that
is why this patch is done at first place.
Some checks are done now only in the debug mode, since checks are reduced to
developer mode [2].

I don't think [2] has something to do with it.

The symbols fixed here are inlined.
In release (and debugoptimized) modes, I can see no trace of them in the .o

$ nm build/drivers/librte_common_mlx5.a |grep umem_reg
                  U mlx5dv_devx_umem_reg
0000000000000410 t mlx5_glue_devx_umem_reg

While in debug mode:
$ nm build.debug/drivers/librte_common_mlx5.a |grep umem_reg
00000000000000b9 t mlx5_os_umem_reg
                  U mlx5dv_devx_umem_reg
0000000000001578 t mlx5_glue_devx_umem_reg

The symbol check then catches mlx5_os_umem_reg wrt the version.map and
complains mlx5_os_umem_reg is not tagged internal.

Got it, if so this is not related to [2] as you said, but related to the debug mode build, thanks for clarification.

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