2015-05-13 16:30, Bruce Richardson:
> Add coding standards document to guides directory. This document
> codifies the current DPDK C coding conventions, to make it easier for
> contributors to see the format their code should be in.
> Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richardson at intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Siobhan Butler <siobhan.a.butler at intel.com>

Thanks for your work.
It would be nice to apply this doc baseline shortly in order to be able to
update it, one change at a time.

> new file mode 100755

wrong file mode
non-Linux filesystem spotted ;)

> index 0000000..b2e522e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/doc/guides/coding_standards/index.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
> +Coding Style
> +=============
> +
> +Description
> +-----------
> +
> +This document specifies the preferred style for source files in the DPDK 
> source tree. It is based on the Linux Kernel coding guidelines and the 
> FreeBSD 7.2 Kernel Developer's Manual (see man style(9)), but was heavily 
> modified for the needs of the DPDK.
> +
> +General Guidelines
> +------------------
> +
> +The rules and guidelines given in this document cannot cover every 
> situation, so the following general guidelines should be used as a fallback:
> +
> +* The code style should be consistent within each individual file.
> +* In the case of creating new files, the style should be consistent within 
> each file in a given directory or module.
> +* The primary reason for coding standards is to increase code readability 
> and comprehensibility, therefore always use whatever option will make the 
> code easiest to read.
> +
> +Line length is recommended to be not more than 80 characters, including 
> comments. [Tab stop size should be assumed to be 8-characters wide].

Don't you think we should wrap lines a little to make future changes easier to 
In general, there is no reason to put more than 1 idea or sentence on 1 line.
Don't forget that carriage return are ignored when rst docs are built.

> --- a/doc/guides/index.rst
> +++ b/doc/guides/index.rst
> @@ -45,3 +45,5 @@ Contents:
>     sample_app_ug/index
>     testpmd_app_ug/index
>     rel_notes/index
> +   coding_standards/index
> +

1 byte to save ;)

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