Hi, We are experimenting with testpmd packet generation and capture at 100 Gbps on two machines back to back. We are observing a peculiar behaviour that the packet capture performance increases steeply between 11 Rx queues and 12 Rx queues. Any idea why?
The details of the setup are given below: DPDK version: *19.11* NIC: *Mellanox ConnectX-5 100 GbE * OS: *RHEL 8.2(kernel *4.18.0-193) Application: *Testpmd(txonly on generation side and rxonly on capture side)* *It is observed that *capture rate increases almost gradually upto* 11 Rx queues and then increases steeply *to reach line rate *at 12 queues. The maximum capture rate with 11 Rx queues is around 80 Gbps and with 12 Rx queues is 99. Gbps.* *Is it something to do with DPDK ? Or Mellanox specific?* -- Regards Rajesh R