Release status meeting minutes {Date}
:Date: 25 March 2021

* Release Dates
* Subtrees
* Conferences
* Opens

* Arm
* Canonical
* Debian/Microsoft
* Intel
* Marvell
* Nvidia
* Red Hat

Release Dates

* `v21.05` dates
  - Proposal/V1 passed, it was on Thursday, 18 March
  - -rc1:           Thursday, 15 April
  - Release:        Friday, 14 May

* Please send roadmaps, preferably before beginning of the release
  - Thanks to `Marvell`, `Huawei hns3`, `Nvidia`, `Wangxun`, `Intel` and `Arm`
    for sending roadmap


* main
  - eal patches are under review
    ** there are many eal patches
  - Dmitry reported regression on Windows related memory subsystem
    ** Need Anatoly's support
  - pipeline patches are merged

* next-net
  - Progressing, nothing critical, ~80 patches in backlog
  - ethdev library changes planned to be merged before -rc1
    ** expected peak of patches not observed, more driver patches still may
  - pulled from vendor trees yesterday

* next-crypto
  - Some patches are merged, nothing critical
  - ipsec gateway discussions/reviews are going on
  - test/application patches are remaining

* next-eventdev
  - "periodic mode for event timer adapter" is merged
  - Will be sending new version for Marvell CNXK
    ** Because of common code dependency it may be postponed to -rc2
  - Intel dlb1 remove set merged
  - Intel dlb2, new version expected

* next-virtio
  - Chenbo is preparing a pull request
  - Half of the patches in the backlog reviewed
  - There is an RFC from Ilya to use SocketPair Broker to improve vhost in
    ** It is under review, may be late for 21.05
    ** It has a dependency external library by Ilya

* next-net-brcm
  - Progressing

* next-net-intel
  - Progressing

* next-net-mlx
  - Progressing, nothing critical
  - More patches are due, 1-2 new features are expected

* next-net-mrvl
  - Progressing
  - Waiting new version of qede patch from Red Hat


* `v19.11.7` is released
  - A regression is reported with 19.11.7
    ** An 19.11.8-rc will be created, based on interest from stakeholders, and
       test reports received, and early 19.11.8 can be released.
       If there is no enough interest fix will wait regular 19.11.8 cycle

* `v20.11.1` is released


* DPDK APAC 2021 event was on 22-23 March, presentations can be found at:


* Security issues
  - The resourcing discussed in the governing board, the role requires a trusted
    name but chain of trust can be accepted.
    ** Can discuss the possible candidate(s) again in next techboard meeting
    ** It will be good to have an assigned resource for security issues
  - Why most of the issues are in vhost/virtio domain?
    ** vhost is the interface to untrusted domain
    ** vhost is easier to test by security researchers, it doesn't require any
      specific hardware

.DPDK Release Status Meetings
The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the
status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track
progress or milestone dates.

The meeting occurs on every Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. on

If you wish to attend just send an email to
"John McNamara <>" for the invite.

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