08/03/2021 19:05, Jie Zhou:
> From: Jie Zhou <j...@microsoft.com>
> This patch allows the same set of rte_metrics_tel_* functions to be
> exported no matter JANSSON is available or not, by doing following:
> 1.    Leverage dpdk_conf to set configuration flag RTE_HAVE_JANSSON


> when Jansson dependency is found.
> 2.    In rte_metrics_telemetry.c, leverage RTE_HAVE_JANSSON to handle the
> case when JANSSON is not available by adding stubs for all the instances.
> 3.    In meson.build, per dpdk\doc\guides\rel_notes\release_20_05.rst,

Changed to use / instead of \

> it is claimed that "Telemetry library is no longer dependent on the
> external Jansson library, which allows Telemetry be enabled by default.",
> thus make the deps and includes of Telemetry as not conditional anymore.
> Signed-off-by: Jie Zhou <j...@linux.microsoft.com>

This email address is not the same as above.
Changed to be the same.

> Acked-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
> Acked-by: Dmitry Kozlyuk <dmitry.kozl...@gmail.com>

>  struct telemetry_metrics_data tel_met_data;

Added space and comments around #ifdef and #else.

Applied with minor changes, thanks.

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