On 3/10/2021 3:02 PM, Ed Czeck wrote:
On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 12:36 PM Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com> wrote:

On 3/9/2021 4:08 PM, Ed Czeck wrote:
In this commit we generalize the movement of user-specified
meta data between mbufs and FPGA AXIS tuser fields using
user-defined hook functions.

- Previous use of PMD dynfields are removed
- Hook function added to ark_user_ext
- Add hook function calls in Rx and Tx paths
- Update guide with example of hook function use
- Add release notes

Signed-off-by: Ed Czeck <ed.cz...@atomicrules.com>
- split function rename to separate commit

- reorder patches renaming before adding


diff --git a/drivers/net/ark/version.map b/drivers/net/ark/version.map
index 954bea679..4a76d1d52 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ark/version.map
+++ b/drivers/net/ark/version.map
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
   DPDK_21 {
       local: *;
-     global:
-     rte_pmd_ark_tx_userdata_dynfield_offset;
-     rte_pmd_ark_rx_userdata_dynfield_offset;

Since there is no more public APIs by driver, I think it should stop installing
the header, and remove it from 'meson.build' file, and remove the header from
API documentation, 'doc/api/doxy-api-index.md'.

I can see the header needs to be used by the extension developer, but that is
still kind of PMD, the public headers are installed for the application 

Still there is a desire to install the required headers for PMD developers, as
far as I know Bruce is working on it, cc'ed. This header can be installed as
part of that effort.


The function prototypes in the header are required by the extension
developer, hence
they need to be accessible in an installed file. Placing them in
rte_pmd-ark.h seems
like the existing solution. If there is a better location or solution
for publishing these
definitions, I have not found it yet. Please advise if I should change
this in some way.

I slightly remember we had same discussion before.

Installed public headers are for application usage, but for ark PMD the header is for the PMD extension development. Currently there is no similar usage or requirement.

'rte_pmd-ark.h' seems installed last release because of the public object it had for dynamic mbuf, which should be accessed by application. Now since those objects are gone and the content of the header is changed, it is not for applications anymore, hence I think it shouldn't be installed.

As far as I can see the PMD extensions are very much related to the FPGA implementation, so the header is not for everyone to use to develop new code, I expect whoever needs the 'rte_pmd-ark.h' should have the source code already, instead of using the header from installed system path.

I think overall it is good to add doxygen comments and dpdk prefix to the extension symbols, but still they shouldn't be part of the API documentation.

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