Improve the table entry parsing: better code structure, enable parsing
for the key field masks, allow comments and empty lines in the table
entry files.

Signed-off-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <>
Signed-off-by: Venkata Suresh Kumar P <>
Signed-off-by: Churchill Khangar <>
 examples/pipeline/cli.c           |  21 +++-
 lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.c | 172 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.h |   7 +-
 3 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/pipeline/cli.c b/examples/pipeline/cli.c
index e97e12060..30c2dd34d 100644
--- a/examples/pipeline/cli.c
+++ b/examples/pipeline/cli.c
@@ -881,14 +881,19 @@ cmd_pipeline_table_update(char **tokens,
        if (file_add)
                for (line_id = 1; ; line_id++) {
                        struct rte_swx_table_entry *entry;
+                       int is_blank_or_comment;
                        if (fgets(line, 2048, file_add) == NULL)
                        entry = rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(p->ctl,
-                               line);
+                               line,
+                               &is_blank_or_comment);
                        if (!entry) {
+                               if (is_blank_or_comment)
+                                       continue;
                                snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_FILE_ERR,
                                        file_name_add, line_id);
                                goto error;
@@ -911,14 +916,19 @@ cmd_pipeline_table_update(char **tokens,
        if (file_delete)
                for (line_id = 1; ; line_id++) {
                        struct rte_swx_table_entry *entry;
+                       int is_blank_or_comment;
                        if (fgets(line, 2048, file_delete) == NULL)
                        entry = rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(p->ctl,
-                               line);
+                               line,
+                               &is_blank_or_comment);
                        if (!entry) {
+                               if (is_blank_or_comment)
+                                       continue;
                                snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_FILE_ERR,
                                        file_name_delete, line_id);
                                goto error;
@@ -940,14 +950,19 @@ cmd_pipeline_table_update(char **tokens,
        if (file_default)
                for (line_id = 1; ; line_id++) {
                        struct rte_swx_table_entry *entry;
+                       int is_blank_or_comment;
                        if (fgets(line, 2048, file_default) == NULL)
                        entry = rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(p->ctl,
-                               line);
+                               line,
+                               &is_blank_or_comment);
                        if (!entry) {
+                               if (is_blank_or_comment)
+                                       continue;
                                snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_FILE_ERR,
                                        file_name_default, line_id);
                                goto error;
diff --git a/lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.c 
index af653d7f4..4a416bc71 100644
--- a/lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.c
+++ b/lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.c
@@ -1339,19 +1339,32 @@ rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_abort(struct rte_swx_ctl_pipeline 
                table_abort(ctl, i);
+static int
+token_is_comment(const char *token)
+       if ((token[0] == '#') ||
+           (token[0] == ';') ||
+           ((token[0] == '/') && (token[1] == '/')))
+               return 1; /* TRUE. */
+       return 0; /* FALSE. */
 struct rte_swx_table_entry *
 rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(struct rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
                                      const char *table_name,
-                                     const char *string)
+                                     const char *string,
+                                     int *is_blank_or_comment)
-       char *tokens[RTE_SWX_CTL_ENTRY_TOKENS_MAX];
+       char *token_array[RTE_SWX_CTL_ENTRY_TOKENS_MAX], **tokens;
        struct table *table;
        struct action *action;
        struct rte_swx_table_entry *entry = NULL;
        char *s0 = NULL, *s;
        uint32_t n_tokens = 0, arg_offset = 0, i;
+       int blank_or_comment = 0;
        /* Check input arguments. */
        if (!ctl)
@@ -1381,37 +1394,66 @@ rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(struct 
rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
                char *token;
                token = strtok_r(s, " \f\n\r\t\v", &s);
-               if (!token)
+               if (!token || token_is_comment(token))
                if (n_tokens >= RTE_SWX_CTL_ENTRY_TOKENS_MAX)
                        goto error;
-               tokens[n_tokens] = token;
+               token_array[n_tokens] = token;
-       if ((n_tokens < 3 + table->info.n_match_fields) ||
-           strcmp(tokens[0], "match") ||
-           strcmp(tokens[1 + table->info.n_match_fields], "action"))
-               goto error;
-       action = action_find(ctl, tokens[2 + table->info.n_match_fields]);
-       if (!action)
+       if (!n_tokens) {
+               blank_or_comment = 1;
                goto error;
+       }
-       if (n_tokens != 3 + table->info.n_match_fields +
-           action->info.n_args * 2)
-               goto error;
+       tokens = token_array;
         * Match.
+       if (n_tokens && strcmp(tokens[0], "match"))
+               goto action;
+       if (n_tokens < 1 + table->info.n_match_fields)
+               goto error;
        for (i = 0; i < table->info.n_match_fields; i++) {
                struct rte_swx_ctl_table_match_field_info *mf = &table->mf[i];
-               char *mf_val = tokens[1 + i];
-               uint64_t val;
+               char *mf_val = tokens[1 + i], *mf_mask = NULL;
+               uint64_t val, mask = UINT64_MAX;
+               uint32_t offset = (mf->offset - table->mf[0].offset) / 8;
+               /*
+                * Mask.
+                */
+               mf_mask = strchr(mf_val, '/');
+               if (mf_mask) {
+                       *mf_mask = 0;
+                       mf_mask++;
+                       /* Parse. */
+                       mask = strtoull(mf_mask, &mf_mask, 0);
+                       if (mf_mask[0])
+                               goto error;
+                       /* Endianness conversion. */
+                       if (mf->is_header)
+                               mask = field_hton(mask, mf->n_bits);
+               }
+                       /* Copy to entry. */
+                       if (entry->key_mask)
+                               memcpy(&entry->key_mask[offset],
+                                      (uint8_t *)&mask,
+                                      mf->n_bits / 8);
+               /*
+                * Value.
+                */
+               /* Parse. */
                val = strtoull(mf_val, &mf_val, 0);
                if (mf_val[0])
                        goto error;
@@ -1420,17 +1462,32 @@ rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(struct 
rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
                if (mf->is_header)
                        val = field_hton(val, mf->n_bits);
-               /* Copy key and key_mask to entry. */
-               memcpy(&entry->key[(mf->offset - table->mf[0].offset) / 8],
+               /* Copy to entry. */
+               memcpy(&entry->key[offset],
                       (uint8_t *)&val,
                       mf->n_bits / 8);
-               /* TBD Set entry->key_mask for wildcard and LPM tables. */
+       tokens += 1 + table->info.n_match_fields;
+       n_tokens -= 1 + table->info.n_match_fields;
         * Action.
+       if (n_tokens && strcmp(tokens[0], "action"))
+               goto other;
+       if (n_tokens < 2)
+               goto error;
+       action = action_find(ctl, tokens[1]);
+       if (!action)
+               goto error;
+       if (n_tokens < 2 + action->info.n_args * 2)
+               goto error;
        /* action_id. */
        entry->action_id = action - ctl->actions;
@@ -1441,8 +1498,8 @@ rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(struct 
rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
                uint64_t val;
                int is_nbo = 0;
-               arg_name = tokens[3 + table->info.n_match_fields + i * 2];
-               arg_val = tokens[3 + table->info.n_match_fields + i * 2 + 1];
+               arg_name = tokens[2 + i * 2];
+               arg_val = tokens[2 + i * 2 + 1];
                if (strcmp(arg_name, arg->name) ||
                    (strlen(arg_val) < 4) ||
@@ -1473,15 +1530,50 @@ rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(struct 
rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
                arg_offset += arg->n_bits / 8;
+       tokens += 2 + action->info.n_args * 2;
+       n_tokens -= 2 + action->info.n_args * 2;
+       if (n_tokens)
+               goto error;
        return entry;
+       if (is_blank_or_comment)
+               *is_blank_or_comment = blank_or_comment;
        return NULL;
+static void
+table_entry_printf(FILE *f,
+                  struct rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
+                  struct table *table,
+                  struct rte_swx_table_entry *entry)
+       struct action *action = &ctl->actions[entry->action_id];
+       uint32_t i;
+       fprintf(f, "match ");
+       for (i = 0; i < table->params.key_size; i++)
+               fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->key[i]);
+       if (entry->key_mask) {
+               fprintf(f, "/");
+               for (i = 0; i < table->params.key_size; i++)
+                       fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->key_mask[i]);
+       }
+       fprintf(f, " action %s ", action->;
+       for (i = 0; i < action->data_size; i++)
+               fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->action_data[i]);
+       fprintf(f, "\n");
 rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_fprintf(FILE *f,
                                   struct rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
@@ -1512,47 +1604,17 @@ rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_fprintf(FILE *f,
        /* Table entries. */
        TAILQ_FOREACH(entry, &table->entries, node) {
-               struct action *action = &ctl->actions[entry->action_id];
-               fprintf(f, "match ");
-               for (i = 0; i < table->params.key_size; i++)
-                       fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->key[i]);
-               fprintf(f, " action %s ", action->;
-               for (i = 0; i < action->data_size; i++)
-                       fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->action_data[i]);
-               fprintf(f, "\n");
+               table_entry_printf(f, ctl, table, entry);
        TAILQ_FOREACH(entry, &table->pending_modify0, node) {
-               struct action *action = &ctl->actions[entry->action_id];
-               fprintf(f, "match ");
-               for (i = 0; i < table->params.key_size; i++)
-                       fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->key[i]);
-               fprintf(f, " action %s ", action->;
-               for (i = 0; i < action->data_size; i++)
-                       fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->action_data[i]);
-               fprintf(f, "\n");
+               table_entry_printf(f, ctl, table, entry);
        TAILQ_FOREACH(entry, &table->pending_delete, node) {
-               struct action *action = &ctl->actions[entry->action_id];
-               fprintf(f, "match ");
-               for (i = 0; i < table->params.key_size; i++)
-                       fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->key[i]);
-               fprintf(f, " action %s ", action->;
-               for (i = 0; i < action->data_size; i++)
-                       fprintf(f, "%02x", entry->action_data[i]);
-               fprintf(f, "\n");
+               table_entry_printf(f, ctl, table, entry);
diff --git a/lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.h 
index 32815b69e..530671db1 100644
--- a/lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.h
+++ b/lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_ctl.h
@@ -521,6 +521,10 @@ rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_abort(struct rte_swx_ctl_pipeline 
  *   Table name.
  * @param[in] string
  *   String containing the table entry.
+ * @param[out] is_blank_or_comment
+ *   On error, this argument provides an indication of whether *string* 
+ *   an invalid table entry (set to zero) or a blank or comment line that 
+ *   typically be ignored (set to a non-zero value).
  * @return
  *   0 on success or the following error codes otherwise:
  *   -EINVAL: Invalid argument.
@@ -529,7 +533,8 @@ __rte_experimental
 struct rte_swx_table_entry *
 rte_swx_ctl_pipeline_table_entry_read(struct rte_swx_ctl_pipeline *ctl,
                                      const char *table_name,
-                                     const char *string);
+                                     const char *string,
+                                     int *is_blank_or_comment);
  * Pipeline table print to file

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