This patchset contains some fixes for the crypto perf graphing script.

A release note is added, and some small fixes for the script documentation
are also included.
The script config handling is modified to handle EAL and app parameters
using the same method, which fixes a bug that some formats of EAL parameters
weren't parsed correctly.

v2: Added patch for parameter handling fix.

Ciara Power (3):
  doc: update release notes for crypto perf script
  doc: fix crypto perf script guide
  test/cryptodev: fix handling for config parameters

 .../                 | 35 +++++++++----------
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_02.rst        |  7 ++++
 doc/guides/tools/cryptoperf.rst               |  9 ++---
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)


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