This series adds SSL/TLS way of cipher-auth operations support i.e. auth
generation followed by encryption and decryption followed by auth verify in
OCTEON TX, OCTEON TX2 PMDs and sample unit test application.
It also adds feature flag for SSL/TLS order in cryptodev library so that
SSL test cases are skipped if the device doesn't support the feature.

* Added feature flag for SSL/TLS order in cryptodev library
* Moved SSL/TLS test cases to proper test sub-suite

Tejasree Kondoj (3):
  cryptodev: add feature flag for SSL/TLS order
  common/cpt: add support for SSL/TLS way of cipher-auth operations
  test/crypto: add support for SSL/TLS way of cipher-auth operations

 app/test/test_cryptodev_aes_test_vectors.h    | 589 ++++++++++++++++++
 app/test/test_cryptodev_blockcipher.c         | 107 +++-
 app/test/test_cryptodev_blockcipher.h         |  10 +
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/default.ini    |   1 +
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/octeontx.ini   |   1 +
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/octeontx2.ini  |   1 +
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_21_02.rst        |  18 +
 drivers/common/cpt/cpt_mcode_defines.h        |   7 +-
 drivers/common/cpt/cpt_ucode.h                |  42 +-
 drivers/crypto/octeontx/otx_cryptodev_ops.c   |  11 +-
 drivers/crypto/octeontx2/otx2_cryptodev.c     |   3 +-
 drivers/crypto/octeontx2/otx2_cryptodev_ops.c |   8 +-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h          |   2 +
 13 files changed, 774 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)


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