This commit implements mlx5_os_pci_probe API under Windows. It does all
required initializations then it gets the PCI device list using glue API
get_device_list().  Next, all non MLX5 matched devices are filtered out.
device in the list is assigned with default configuration parameters,
most of them are 0. The default dv_flow_en parameter value is 1 (which
means Windows match and action flows are based on DV code). Next for
each PCI device call mlx5_dev_spawn() to create an eth device (struct
rte_ethdev). The implementation of device spawn is in the follow up
commit.  Finally, the device list is free.

Signed-off-by: Tal Shnaiderman <>
Signed-off-by: Ophir Munk <>
Acked-by: Matan Azrad <>
 drivers/net/mlx5/windows/mlx5_os.c | 268 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 268 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/windows/mlx5_os.c 
index 14bd5bf39a..7f7e2f8f7c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/mlx5/windows/mlx5_os.c
+++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/windows/mlx5_os.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <rte_windows.h>
+#include <rte_ethdev_pci.h>
 #include <mlx5_glue.h>
 #include <mlx5_devx_cmds.h>
@@ -26,6 +27,65 @@
 #include "mlx5_mr.h"
 #include "mlx5_flow.h"
+static const char *MZ_MLX5_PMD_SHARED_DATA = "mlx5_pmd_shared_data";
+/* Spinlock for mlx5_shared_data allocation. */
+static rte_spinlock_t mlx5_shared_data_lock = RTE_SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
+ * Initialize shared data between primary and secondary process.
+ *
+ * A memzone is reserved by primary process and secondary processes attach to
+ * the memzone.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+       const struct rte_memzone *mz;
+       int ret = 0;
+       rte_spinlock_lock(&mlx5_shared_data_lock);
+       if (mlx5_shared_data == NULL) {
+               /* Allocate shared memory. */
+               mz = rte_memzone_reserve(MZ_MLX5_PMD_SHARED_DATA,
+                                        sizeof(*mlx5_shared_data),
+                                        SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
+               if (mz == NULL) {
+                       DRV_LOG(ERR,
+                               "Cannot allocate mlx5 shared data");
+                       ret = -rte_errno;
+                       goto error;
+               }
+               mlx5_shared_data = mz->addr;
+               memset(mlx5_shared_data, 0, sizeof(*mlx5_shared_data));
+               rte_spinlock_init(&mlx5_shared_data->lock);
+       }
+       rte_spinlock_unlock(&mlx5_shared_data_lock);
+       return ret;
+ * PMD global initialization.
+ *
+ * Independent from individual device, this function initializes global
+ * per-PMD data structures distinguishing primary and secondary processes.
+ * Hence, each initialization is called once per a process.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+static int
+       if (mlx5_init_shared_data())
+               return -rte_errno;
+       return 0;
  * Get mlx5 device attributes.
@@ -147,6 +207,31 @@ mlx5_os_open_device(const struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data 
        return err;
+ * Spawn an Ethernet device from Verbs information.
+ *
+ * @param dpdk_dev
+ *   Backing DPDK device.
+ * @param spawn
+ *   Verbs device parameters (name, port, switch_info) to spawn.
+ * @param config
+ *   Device configuration parameters.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   NULL pointer. Operation is not supported and rte_errno is set to ENOTSUP.
+ */
+static struct rte_eth_dev *
+mlx5_dev_spawn(struct rte_device *dpdk_dev,
+              struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data *spawn,
+              struct mlx5_dev_config *config)
+       (void)dpdk_dev;
+       (void)spawn;
+       (void)config;
+       rte_errno = -ENOTSUP;
+       return NULL;
  * This function should share events between multiple ports of single IB
  * device.  Currently it has no support under Windows.
@@ -339,6 +424,189 @@ mlx5_os_set_allmulti(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, int enable)
        return -ENOTSUP;
+ * DPDK callback to register a PCI device.
+ *
+ * This function spawns Ethernet devices out of a given PCI device.
+ *
+ * @param[in] pci_drv
+ *   PCI driver structure (mlx5_driver).
+ * @param[in] pci_dev
+ *   PCI device information.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise and rte_errno is set.
+ */
+mlx5_os_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv __rte_unused,
+                 struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)
+       struct devx_device_bdf *devx_bdf_devs, *orig_devx_bdf_devs;
+       /*
+        * Number of found IB Devices matching with requested PCI BDF.
+        * nd != 1 means there are multiple IB devices over the same
+        * PCI device and we have representors and master.
+        */
+       unsigned int nd = 0;
+       /*
+        * Number of found IB device Ports. nd = 1 and np = 1..n means
+        * we have the single multiport IB device, and there may be
+        * representors attached to some of found ports.
+        * Currently not supported.
+        * unsigned int np = 0;
+        */
+       /*
+        * Number of DPDK ethernet devices to Spawn - either over
+        * multiple IB devices or multiple ports of single IB device.
+        * Actually this is the number of iterations to spawn.
+        */
+       unsigned int ns = 0;
+       /*
+        * Bonding device
+        *   < 0 - no bonding device (single one)
+        *  >= 0 - bonding device (value is slave PF index)
+        */
+       int bd = -1;
+       struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data *list = NULL;
+       struct mlx5_dev_config dev_config;
+       unsigned int dev_config_vf;
+       int ret;
+       uint32_t restore;
+       if (rte_eal_process_type() == RTE_PROC_SECONDARY) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "Secondary process is not supported on Windows.");
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       }
+       ret = mlx5_init_once();
+       if (ret) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "unable to init PMD global data: %s",
+                       strerror(rte_errno));
+               return -rte_errno;
+       }
+       errno = 0;
+       devx_bdf_devs = mlx5_glue->get_device_list(&ret);
+       orig_devx_bdf_devs = devx_bdf_devs;
+       if (!devx_bdf_devs) {
+               rte_errno = errno ? errno : ENOSYS;
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "cannot list devices, is ib_uverbs loaded?");
+               return -rte_errno;
+       }
+       /*
+        * First scan the list of all Infiniband devices to find
+        * matching ones, gathering into the list.
+        */
+       struct devx_device_bdf *devx_bdf_match[ret + 1];
+       while (ret-- > 0) {
+               if (pci_dev->addr.bus != devx_bdf_devs->bus_id ||
+                   pci_dev->addr.devid != devx_bdf_devs->dev_id ||
+                   pci_dev->addr.function != devx_bdf_devs->fnc_id) {
+                       devx_bdf_devs++;
+                       continue;
+               }
+               devx_bdf_match[nd++] = devx_bdf_devs;
+       }
+       devx_bdf_match[nd] = NULL;
+       if (!nd) {
+               /* No device matches, just complain and bail out. */
+               DRV_LOG(WARNING,
+                       "no DevX device matches PCI device " PCI_PRI_FMT ","
+                       " is DevX Configured?",
+                       pci_dev->addr.domain, pci_dev->addr.bus,
+                       pci_dev->addr.devid, pci_dev->addr.function);
+               rte_errno = ENOENT;
+               ret = -rte_errno;
+               goto exit;
+       }
+       /*
+        * Now we can determine the maximal
+        * amount of devices to be spawned.
+        */
+       list = mlx5_malloc(MLX5_MEM_ZERO,
+                          sizeof(struct mlx5_dev_spawn_data),
+                          RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, SOCKET_ID_ANY);
+       if (!list) {
+               DRV_LOG(ERR, "spawn data array allocation failure");
+               rte_errno = ENOMEM;
+               ret = -rte_errno;
+               goto exit;
+       }
+       memset(&list[ns].info, 0, sizeof(list[ns].info));
+       list[ns].max_port = 1;
+       list[ns].phys_port = 1;
+       list[ns].phys_dev = devx_bdf_match[ns];
+       list[ns].eth_dev = NULL;
+       list[ns].pci_dev = pci_dev;
+       list[ns].pf_bond = bd;
+       list[ns].ifindex = -1; /* Spawn will assign */
+       list[ns].info =
+               (struct mlx5_switch_info){
+                       .master = 0,
+                       .representor = 0,
+                       .name_type = MLX5_PHYS_PORT_NAME_TYPE_UPLINK,
+                       .port_name = 0,
+                       .switch_id = 0,
+               };
+       /* Device specific configuration. */
+       switch (pci_dev->id.device_id) {
+               dev_config_vf = 1;
+               break;
+       default:
+               dev_config_vf = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* Default configuration. */
+       memset(&dev_config, 0, sizeof(struct mlx5_dev_config));
+       dev_config.vf = dev_config_vf;
+       dev_config.mps = 0;
+       dev_config.dbnc = MLX5_ARG_UNSET;
+       dev_config.rx_vec_en = 1;
+       dev_config.txq_inline_max = MLX5_ARG_UNSET;
+       dev_config.txq_inline_min = MLX5_ARG_UNSET;
+       dev_config.txq_inline_mpw = MLX5_ARG_UNSET;
+       dev_config.txqs_inline = MLX5_ARG_UNSET;
+       dev_config.vf_nl_en = 0;
+       dev_config.mr_ext_memseg_en = 1;
+       dev_config.mprq.max_memcpy_len = MLX5_MPRQ_MEMCPY_DEFAULT_LEN;
+       dev_config.mprq.min_rxqs_num = MLX5_MPRQ_MIN_RXQS;
+       dev_config.dv_esw_en = 0;
+       dev_config.dv_flow_en = 1;
+       dev_config.decap_en = 0;
+       dev_config.log_hp_size = MLX5_ARG_UNSET;
+       list[ns].eth_dev = mlx5_dev_spawn(&pci_dev->device,
+                                         &list[ns],
+                                         &dev_config);
+       if (!list[ns].eth_dev)
+               goto exit;
+       restore = list[ns].eth_dev->data->dev_flags;
+       rte_eth_copy_pci_info(list[ns].eth_dev, pci_dev);
+       /* Restore non-PCI flags cleared by the above call. */
+       list[ns].eth_dev->data->dev_flags |= restore;
+       rte_eth_dev_probing_finish(list[ns].eth_dev);
+       ret = 0;
+       /*
+        * Do the routine cleanup:
+        * - free allocated spawn data array
+        * - free the device list
+        */
+       if (list)
+               mlx5_free(list);
+       MLX5_ASSERT(orig_devx_bdf_devs);
+       mlx5_glue->free_device_list(orig_devx_bdf_devs);
+       return ret;
  * Set the reg_mr and dereg_mr call backs

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