在 2020/11/20 22:25, Ferruh Yigit 写道:
On 11/20/2020 11:27 AM, Lijun Ou wrote:
Here the printing of MAC addresses is adjusted. After the
modification, only some bytes of the MAC address are
Why logging only some bytes of the MAC address?
I understand that the entire MAC address information can be obtained by
printing part of the value, instead of printing all the MAC addresses.
Signed-off-by: Chengchang Tang <tangchengch...@huawei.com>
Signed-off-by: Lijun Ou <ouli...@huawei.com>
drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.c | 53
drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.h | 2 ++
drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_vf.c | 32 +++++++++++------------
3 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.c
index 2011378..d6d3f03 100644
--- a/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.c
@@ -102,6 +102,15 @@ static int hns3_remove_mc_addr(struct hns3_hw *hw,
static int hns3_restore_fec(struct hns3_hw *hw);
static int hns3_query_dev_fec_info(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
+void hns3_ether_format_addr(char *buf, uint16_t size,
+ const struct rte_ether_addr *ether_addr)
+ snprintf(buf, size, "%02X:**:**:**:%02X:%02X",
+ ether_addr->addr_bytes[0],
+ ether_addr->addr_bytes[4],
+ ether_addr->addr_bytes[5]);
static void
hns3_pf_disable_irq0(struct hns3_hw *hw)
@@ -1449,7 +1458,7 @@ hns3_add_uc_addr_common(struct hns3_hw *hw,
struct rte_ether_addr *mac_addr)
/* check if mac addr is valid */
if (!rte_is_valid_assigned_ether_addr(mac_addr)) {
- rte_ether_format_addr(mac_str, RTE_ETHER_ADDR_FMT_SIZE,
+ hns3_ether_format_addr(mac_str, RTE_ETHER_ADDR_FMT_SIZE,
Is all these interim variable only to log the mac address? If so why not
use macros insted, something like:
#define FMT "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
#define MAC(addr) addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]
hns3_err(fw, "Add unicast mac addr err! addr(" FMT ") invalid",
Looks like a good suggestion. I need to discuss it with the author.
Maybe it will be fixed in the new version.