Minutes of Technical Board Meeting, 2020-11-18

Members Attending
-Konstantin (Chair)

NOTE: The technical board meetings every second Wednesday in
https://meet.jit.si/DPDK at 3 pm UTC.
Meetings are public, and DPDK community members  are welcome to attend.
NOTE: Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2020-12-02 @3pm UTC, and will be
chaired by Maxime.

DPDK build configuration - future enhancements
There are multiple requests (sometimes controversial) for new abilities
to add into DPDK build system.  
In particular, request from few different teams:
  - add ability to enable/disable individual apps/libs
  - override some build settings for specific libs/drivers
As a first step to move forward - produce design doc of current build system.
Discuss further enhancements based on that doc.
While planning changes to the build system backward compatibility
with 20.11 should be considered.
AR to Bruce to create initial version of the DD.

Asia DPDK Event 
Thomas provided quick update.
Few moderators (speaking mandarin) would be required.

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