It seems Trex server is not launched successfully. So DTS as a client can’t 
connect it.

Here are some tips to make sure Trex can work before integrating into DTS.

·        Simple manual test for trex
o   Go to $TREX/scripts: cd ./scripts
o   Launch dpdk application, e.g. testpmd on dut.  Testpmd can be launch at 
first, also can be launch after trex server launched, but no matter when you 
run testpmd, dut must be up before staring trex server.
o   Launch trex server: ./t-rex-64 -i -c 20 # -c means cores number, here we 
use 20 cores.
./t-rex-64 -c 20 -f /etc/trex_cfg.yaml # if you don't use default name
o   Launch trex client and start traffic:
§ ./trex-console, we give commands to trex through trex-console.
§ start -f stl/ -t size=64,vm=cached --port 0 -m 100% --force  --pin 
(64 frame size + 100% LR + P0)
§ start -f stl/ -t size=64,vm=cached --port 1 -m 100% --force  --pin 
(64 frame size + 100% LR + P1)
§ tui (you will get a more friendship view of statistics)
§ Note: you can get other traffic scripts from  ./stl,  stl/ is just 
the one we used.
o   Notes: to get  the best performance, here are some suggestions:
§ Give trex enough cores.
§ Cores and NIC  are in the same socket.
§ Simply what you want trex to do, complicated computer will cause performance 

From: David Liu <>
Sent: 2020年11月20日 3:34
To: Tu, Lijuan <>
Cc: dpdk-dev <>
Subject: Re: DTS Test Nic Single Core Perf Scapy Naming Conflict

Hi Lijuan,

The DTS started without error but the nic single core test failed on a 
"connection timeout - no response from TRex server" when I tried to run it on 
an intel nic.
This happens when DTS uses arm-dell (traffic generator) to send packets to 
arm-gigabyte (DUT) using the Intel nic {Ethernet Controller XL710 for 40GbE 
I wonder if you have any clue on this issue?

19/11/2020 19:05:55          TestNicSingleCorePerf: Test Case 
test_perf_nic_single_core Result ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 319, in _execute_test_case
  File "tests/", line 200, in 
  File "tests/", line 274, in perf_test
    _, packets_received = 
self.tester.pktgen.measure_throughput(stream_ids=streams, options=traffic_opt)
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 245, in measure_throughput
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 778, in _prepare_transmission
 line 51, in wrap2
    ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
 line 339, in reset
 line 51, in wrap2
    ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
 line 1492, in clear_stats
    self._clear_stats_common(ports, clear_global, clear_xstats)
 line 2876, in _clear_stats_common
    raise TRexError(rc)
trex.common.trex_exceptions.TRexError: ^[[1m*** [RPC] - Failed to get server 
response from tcp://<>^[[22m

19/11/2020 19:05:55                            dts:
TEST SUITE ENDED: TestNicSingleCorePerf
19/11/2020 19:06:11          TestNicSingleCorePerf: tear_down_all failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 430, in execute_tear_downall
  File "tests/", line 405, in tear_down_all
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 283, in build_install_dpdk
    build_install_dpdk(target, extra_options)
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 316, in 
    self.send_expect("rm -rf " + target, "#")
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 93, in send_expect
    return self.session.send_expect(cmds, expected, timeout, verify)
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 64, in send_expect
    out = self.session.send_expect(cmds, expected, timeout, verify)
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 103, in send_expect
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 90, in send_expect
    ret = self.send_expect_base(command, expected, timeout)
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 81, in send_expect_base
    self.__prompt(command, timeout)
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 149, in __prompt
    raise TimeoutException(command, self.get_output_all()) from None
exception.TimeoutException: TIMEOUT on rm -rf x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc


On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 12:56 PM David Liu 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Lijuan,

Thank you for the help.
I can run DTS without that error now,


On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 9:12 PM Tu, Lijuan 
<<>> wrote:

Hi David,

Snice some protocols are only supported by scapy 2.4.4, it's recemented that 
scapy 2.4.4 as major version for DTS.

However perf users might not care these advanced protocols, to be compatible 
with trex, dts captured these exceptions and let it go through.

Fix was contained in the latest DTS. Could you update it.

commit 362ae41844e1992163b4eed53a721729985644be

Author: Chen, BoX C <<>>

Date:   Wed Nov 4 10:52:09 2020 +0800

    framework: fix Trex mode not working

    DTS requires Trex compatible scapy, modify package loading mode and scapy 
version verification rules

    Signed-off-by: Chen, BoX C 

From: David Liu <<>>
Sent: 2020年11月18日 4:24
To: Tu, Lijuan <<>>
Cc: dpdk-dev <<>>
Subject: DTS Test Nic Single Core Perf Scapy Naming Conflict

Hi Lijuan,

I currently have issues with running the Nic Single-Core Perf Test.
I believe this is the scapy naming conflict issue, so I follow the solution
mentioned on the website to replace system scapy with trex scapy.
Then I got into another error that I wasn't able to get pass:

root@arm-dell:/opt/dts# ./dts
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 50, in <module>
    import dts
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 47, in <module>
    from tester import Tester
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 52, in <module>
    from packet import SCAPY_IMP_CMD
  File "/opt/dts/framework/", line 72, in <module>
    locals().update({clazz: getattr(module, clazz)})
AttributeError: module 'scapy.contrib.gtp' has no attribute 

Do you have any clue how to fix this?


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