Meeting minutes of 19 November 2020

* Release Dates
* -rc4 status
* Subtrees
* OvS
* Opens

* Arm
* Broadcom
* Debian/Microsoft
* Intel
* Marvell
* Nvidia
* Red Hat

Release Dates

* v20.11 dates
  * -rc4 is released on      Friday, 13 November 2020
  * -rc5:                    Friday, 20 November 2020
  * Release:                 Wednesday, 25 November 2020

* v21.02 proposal dates, please comment before next meeting:
  * Proposal/V1:    Sunday, 20 December 2020
  * -rc1:           Friday, 15 January 2021
  * Release:        Friday, 5 February 2021

  * Please send roadmaps, preferably before beginning of the release

-rc4 status

* Ping (form Intel) sent the test repot
  * No new issue except testpmd failed with max-pkt-len param
    * Fix patch:
      * Please review/test

* Microsoft found some issues and possible performance degradation
  * Will create Bugzilla issues for them soon


* main
  * Some small fixes for blacklist/whitelist set
  * doc and example changes in the queue
  * cppchecks fixes
    * trivial fixes, can be postponed
  * Not much deprecation notice in the backlog
  * Can have -r5 tomorrow
  * SPSK build issue fixed
  * Arm compilation support from Juraj postponed to next release

* next-net
  * Pulled from sub-trees, some fixes merged
  * A few more fixes and deprecation notices in the queue

* next-crypto
  * One patch left, waiting for review

* next-eventdev
  * There are a few patches in the backlog
  * Will send a pull request tomorrow

* next-virtio
  * A single fix in the queue, requires a new version

* next-net-intel
  * There are still some fixes in the backlog, under review

* next-net-mlx
  * Planning the finalize all fixes today/tomorrow

* next-net-mrvl
  * No more patch expected for the -rc

* next-net-brcm
  * no update


* Next 18.11 release will be 18.11.11
  * Going fine, almost finished all patches
  * At this stage lots of patches does not apply

* Next 19.11 release will be 19.11.6
  * Most of the patches merged
  * Some patches are waiting authors to backport
  * There is a request for feature backport for PMD
    * There are concerns on backporting features


* Validating with DPDK v20.11-rc4, so far no issues

* A patch is under development for meson build


* No update on the CVE issues

DPDK Release Status Meetings

The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the
status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to track
progress or milestone dates.

The meeting occurs on every Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. on

If you wish to attend just send an email to
"John McNamara <>" for the invite.

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