On 18-Nov-20 2:58 AM, Yongxin Liu wrote:
In commit 681a67288655 ("usertools: check if module is loaded before
binding"), script will exit if no driver is found in /sys/module/.
However, for built-in kernel driver, /sys/module/MODULENAME only
shows up if it has a version or at least one parameter. Take ixgbe
for example, after kernel commit 34a2a3b83e2c ("net/intel: remove
driver versions from Intel drivers"), and if ixgbe is built directly
into kernel, there is no ixgbe folder in /sys/module. So the devbind
script should not exit.
Signed-off-by: Yongxin Liu <yongxin....@windriver.com>
- fix git commit description style in commit log
- fix typo spelling
usertools/dpdk-devbind.py | 4 ----
1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py b/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py
index 99112b7ab..f3c0d9814 100755
--- a/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py
+++ b/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py
@@ -530,10 +530,6 @@ def bind_all(dev_list, driver, force=False):
# driver generated error - it's not a valid device ID, so all is well
- # check if we're attempting to bind to a driver that isn't loaded
- if not module_is_loaded(driver.replace('-','_')):
- sys.exit("Error: Driver '%s' is not loaded." % driver)
I believe there is a way to check if module is built-in, can't we use
that? We could keep a list of built-in modules of interest that we can
get from:
cat /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin
It's a bit more changes, but this is better than just removing the error
dev_list = map(dev_id_from_dev_name, dev_list)
except ValueError as ex: