Minutes of Technical Board Meeting, 2020-11-04 Members Attending ----------------- -Bruce -Ferruh -Hemant -Honnappa -Jerin -Kevin (Chair) -Konstantin -Maxime -Olivier -Stephen -Thomas
NOTE: The technical board meetings every second Wednesday in https://meet.jit.si/DPDK at 3 pm UTC. Meetings are public, and DPDK community members are welcome to attend. NOTE: Next meeting will be on Wednesday 2020-11-18 @3pm UTC, and will be chaired by Konstantin. Minimum meson version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Honnappa will check details of which min version is requested/needed - No decision at present mbuf: move pool pointer into hotter first half ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Some free space in first cacheline/hotter cache - Discussed what if anything to put there - Option 1: enable API to allow request dynamic field to be there - Option 2: move pool ptr or next ptr there - Option 3: Mark as reserved in 20.11 - Decided that some optimization may be done over the next year so better not to do Option 1 as it may be deprecated soon which is confusing for users - Decided to move pool ptr to first half of cacheline BCM573xx and BCM5740xx deprecation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Hardware support is being deprecated by the vendor - Raised for awareness pmdinfogen rewrite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Maxime checked and this is ok on RHEL/CentOS - Prefer to make this BSD licensed - Deferred until 21.02 Deprecation notice without proper replacement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Is it ok to deprecate without a proper replacement? - No for marking API as deprecated (may impact build warnings) - Yes for documentation/comments Asia Event CFP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Thomas will send around the previous CFP - All to review and update Asks from Governing board ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Ferruh is new rep to Gov board, thanks Bruce - Slidedeck needs updates Update on DTS usability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Waiting for feedback, more likely after 20.11 DMARC mitigation on the mailing list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Seems that not changing the subject can resolve DMARC issues - When mitigations confirmed, techboard will decide on action, if any