Could we roll back that commit or apply Changchun's patch?


On 7/1/2015 11:53 PM, Xie, Huawei wrote:
> On 7/1/2015 3:49 PM, Ouyang Changchun wrote:
>> This commit breaks virtio basic packets rx functionality:
>>   d78deadae4dca240e85054bf2d604a801676becc
>> The QEMU use 256 as default vring size, also use this default value to 
>> calculate the virtio
>> avail ring base address and used ring base address, and vhost in the backend 
>> use the ring base
>> address to do packet IO.
>> Virtio spec also says the queue size in PCI configuration is read-only, so 
>> virtio front end
>> can't change it. just need use the read-only value to allocate space for 
>> vring and calculate the
>> avail and used ring base address. Otherwise, the avail and used ring base 
>> address will be different
>> between host and guest, accordingly, packet IO can't work normally.
> virtio driver could still use the vq_size to initialize avail ring and
> use ring so that they still have the same base address.
> The other issue is vhost use  index & (vq->size -1) to index the ring.
> Thomas:
> This fix works but introduces slight change with original code. Could we
> just rollback that commit?
> d78deadae4dca240e85054bf2d604a801676becc
>> Signed-off-by: Changchun Ouyang <changchun.ouyang at>
>> ---
>>  drivers/net/virtio/virtio_ethdev.c | 14 +++-----------
>>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

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